P# | Title and Authors |
1 | The Particle Simulation Toolkit. A toolkit for rapid development of massively parallel particle method simulations
Adalsteinsson, Helgi |
2 | Analysis of the genetic and amino acid sequence diversity of antigenic determinants in the Plasmodium falciparum C-terminal merozoite surface protein-1 encoding a 19-kDa protein
Adoro, Stanley; Nwuba, Roseangela; Anumudu, Chiaka; Omosun, Yusuf; Nwagwu, Mark |
3 | Toucan: A Workbench for Regulatory Sequence Analysis
Aerts, Stein; Staes, Mik; Coessens, Bert; Thijs, Gert; Moreau, Yves; De Moor, Bart |
4 | Computational analysis of metabolic pathways with the program MING
Aguilar, Daniel; Oliva, Baldomero; Aviles, Francesc-Xavier; Querol, Enrique |
5 | Generating Rules to Predict P. gingivalis Protein Functional Class from Sequence
Al-Shahib, A. (1); Gilbert, David (1); Saqi, M. (2) |
6 | Towards a Pattern-Based "Composite Homology Analysis and SEarch" (CHASE) Tool
Alam, Intikhab; Dress, Andreas; Fuellen, Georg |
7 | Protein Structure and Function Prediction of the Machado-Joseph Disease Gene Product Ataxin-3
Albrecht, Mario (1); Schnaible, Volker (2); Hoffmann, Daniel (2); Evert, Bernd O. (3); Schmitt, Ina (3); Wüllner, Ullrich (3); Lengauer, Thomas (1) |
8 | Application of Bioinformatics in Plant Genome and Post-Genome Research
Altschmied, Lothar; Hege, Hans-Christian; Paul, Rolf; Posch, Stefan; Scheel, Dierk |
9 | A classical dynamics study of the unbinding of ATP to the F1-ATPase
Antes, Iris (1); Oster, George (2); Chandler, David (3) |
10 | Biological context and the analysis of gene expression data
Apostolakis, Joannis; Güttler, Daniel; Sohler, Florian; Zimmer, Ralf |
11 | Sequence families of classified enzymes - Correlation with the function
aus dem Spring, Christian; Schomburg, Dietmar |
12 | Biological Significance of Jumping Alignments
Bannert, Constantin; Stoye, Jens |
13 | A new model for an inhibitor of human cathepsin G by bacterial surface display library screening and protein-peptide docking
Betscheider, Dirk; Ray, Somak; Zangen, Dirk; Schultheiss, Eva; Lengauer, Thomas; Jose, Joachim |
14 | Molecular Class-Specific Information System
Bettler, Emmanuel; Folkertsma, Simon; Van Durme, Joost; Joosten, Henk-Jan; Fleuren, Wilco; Vriend, Gert |
15 | "ab initio'' metabolic pathway reconstruction
Boyer, Frédéric (1,2); Morgat, Anne (1); Trilling, Laurent (2); Viari, Alain (1) |
16 | Paracel TranscriptAssembler: Identification of Alternative Splice Forms and polyA Sites from EST and mRNA Data
Boysen, Cecilie; Qian, Jun; Gill, Tristan; Messenger, Richard J.; Mo, Yi; Sievers, Michael; Zhu, Lingyan; Borkowski, Joseph A. |
17 | Compact Gene Index : Clustering public protein coding sequences for microarray specific oligonucleotide design
Brett, David; Weber, Jaqueline; Hoerster, Andrea; Bell, Robert; Drescher,Bernd |
18 | Evolutionary analysis of protein domain families
Bru, Catherine; Kahn, Daniel |
19 | The Center for Bioinformatics (CBI), Saarbrücken
CBI Consortium |
20 | Symbolic model checking of biological systems
Chabrier, Nathalie; Fages, François |
21 | Protein-protein docking of cytochrome c2 to the bacterial reaction centre
Chandran, Vidya; Floeck, Dagmar; Helms, Volkhard |
22 | Metabolic Pathway Alignment and Alternative Pathways Identification
Chen, Ming |
23 | Berlin Center for Genome Based Bioinformatics (BCB)
Cordes, Frank(1); Klipp, Edda(2); Koch, Ina(3); Leser, Ulf (4); Meisel, Christian(5); Preissner, Robert(6); Spang, Rainer(2); Steinke, Thomas (1); Wiehe, Thomas(7) |
24 | A conserved genomic region between vertebrates and insects
Danchin, Etienne G. J.; Abi-Rached, Laurent; Gilles, André; Pontarotti, Pierre |
25 | Seqan: a modular sequence analysis system
De Rijk, Peter; Glassée, Wim; Weckx, Stefan; Del-Favero, Jurgen; Van Broeckhoven, Christine |
26 | Development of Annotation Tools in the W3H-Task System
del Val, Coral; Arunachalam, Vinayagam; Glatting, Karl-Heinz; Suhai, Sándor |
27 | From putative promoter sequence to genomic context : biological data collection on the web using a generic application (Xprom).
Devignes, Marie-Dominique (1); Norsa, Yvan (1); Smaïl, Malika (1); Collet, Philippe (2); Domenjoud, Lionel (2) |
28 | ThoR --- A Domain Discovery and Curation Tool
Dickens, Nicholas J.; Ponting, Chris P. |
29 | Detection of degenerated repeated sequences by means of genomic signature in human chromosomes
Dufraigne, Christine; Fertil, Bernard; Giron, Alain; Deschavanne, Patrick |
30 | Dynamic generation and qualitative analysis of metabolic pathways by a joint database / graph theoretical approach
Ehrentreich, F.; Schomburg, D. |
31 | IMGT/PhyloGene : an online software package for phylogenetic analysis of IG and TR genes
Elemento, Olivier; Lefranc, Marie-Paule |
32 | Implementation of a generic ANOVA model for the analysis of gene expression data
Engelen, Kristof; Coessens, Bert; Van Hummelen, Paul; De Brabanter, Jos; De Moor, Bart; Marchal, Kathleen |
33 | Bioinformatics for the Functional Analysis of Mammalian Genomes (BFAM)
Fellenberg, Matthias (1); Fries, Ruedi (2); Frishman, Dmitrij (3) et al. |
34 | The Lipase Engineering Database
Fischer, Markus; Henke, Erik; Schmid, Rolf D; Pleiss, Jürgen |
35 | Iterative Blast Machine
Fleuren, Wilco; Bettler, Emmanuel; Vriend, Gert |
36 | Entropy-variability analysis of the nuclear receptor ligand binding domain
Folkertsma, Simon; Bettler, Emmanuel; van Durme, Joost; Joosten, Henk-Jan; Oliveira, Laerte; de Vlieg, Jacob; Vriend, Gert |
37 | Analysis of the maximal regulatory region of all human nuclear receptor genes
Frank, Christian; Dunlop, Thomas W.; Matilainen, Merja; Carlberg, Carsten |
38 | Object-oriented Modelling, Integration and Analysis of Gene Controlled Metabolic Networks
Freier, Andreas; Hofestädt, Ralf; Lange, Matthias |
39 | Accurate Base Calling from Multiple Electropherograms
Freschi, Valerio; Bogliolo, Alessandro |
40 | De novo protein design: combination of computational and chemical screening methods
Fritzemeier, Kai; Renner, Steffen; Drepper, Friedel; Haehnel, Wolfgang |
41 | A comparative study of Amino Acids binary codes
Fu, Huaiguo; Bouita, Belkhacem; Mephu Nguifo, Engelbert |
42 | Evolution of the mitochondrial ancestor proteome
Gabaldon, Toni; Huynen, Martijn |
43 | Guided Gene Regulation Data Analysis Within the Helmholtz Network for Bioinformatics
Gailus-Durner, Valérie (1); Gößling, Frank (2); Crass, Torsten (2,*) |
44 | HAMAP: High Quality Automated Annotation of Microbial Proteomes
Gattiker, Alexandre; Coudert, Elisabeth; Michoud, Karine; Rivoire, Catherine; Auchincloss, Andrea; Lima, Tania; Lachaize, Corinne; Pagni(1), Marco; Bairoch, Amos |
45 | Comparative DNA Sequence Analysis for the Detection of Regulatory Elements
Gausmann, Ulrike (1); Jahn, Niels (1); Platzer, Cornelia (2); Szafranski, Karol (1); Platzer, Matthias (1) |
46 | Integration and Distribution of Biological Databases using CORBA
Gnanasekaran, Thoppae; Mewes, Werner |
47 | Development and Evaluation of a Knowledge-Based-Potential for the Scoring of Protein-Protein-Docking Results
Grimm, V.; Schomburg, D. |
48 | Simple and Efficient Secondary Structure Prediction
Guimarães, Katia; Melo, Jeane; Cavalcanti, George |
49 | A new model for Sequencing by Hybridization
Guinand, Frédéric; Mouchard, Laurent; Rabia, Aurélia |
50 | Integration of Multiple Alignment and Phylogeny Reconstruction
Guinand, Frédéric; Parmentier, Gilles; Trystram, Denis |
51 | Prediction of N-Glycosylation sites in Human Proteins
Gupta, Ramneek; Jung, Eva; Brunak, Soren |
52 | Predicting "Good" drug targets based on Metabolic Control Analysis
Gupta, Shobhit |
53 | Discovery of Differentially Expressed Genes using Fuzzy Technology
Guthke, Reinhard; Scherf, Uwe |
54 | Expression Analysis in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Hahn, Andreas(1); Costello, Christine(2); Lu, Tim(2); Lengauer, Thomas(3); Schreiber, Stefan(2) |
55 | Co-clustering of Biological Networks and Gene Expression Data
Hanisch, Daniel; Zien, Alexander; Zimmer, Ralf |
56 | Non-Gumbel behavior of the statistics of local sequence alignment
Hartmann, Alexander K. |
57 | Automatic construction and simulation of Petri nets for a whole cell
Hartmann, Kai; Schomburg, Dietmar |
58 | Time series microarray data analysis using ISA grouping biologically related functions
Hei Jin, Kim |
59 | The Helmholtz Network for Bioinformatics - A User-friendly Integrated Bioinformatics Web Portal
HNB Consortium |
60 | Gene expression profiles in disease: From gene expression in isolated cells to gene expression in whole tissues and vice versa
Hoffmann, Martin (1); Pohlers, Dirk (2); Kinne, Raimund W.(2); Kroll, Torsten (3); Wölfl, Stefan (3) |
61 | Supervised Classification of Pathological States in Gene and Protein Expression Data
Hoffmann, Martin; Lau, Stephan; von Eggeling, Ferdinand; Junker, Kerstin; Guthke, Reinhard |
62 | Mining the literature for enzyme-disease associations
Hofmann, Oliver; Schomburg, Dietmar |
63 | Prediction of Protein Thermostability
Hoppe, C.; Schomburg, D. |
64 | Linguistic Complexity Profiles of Prokaryotic Genomic Sequences Assist in Detection and Classification of Terminators
Hosid, Sergey; Bolshoy, Alexander |
65 | XX_frag: design of cDNA sequences for micro-arrays application to comparative Genomic Hybridization
Hubans, Christine; Kerckaert, Jean Pierre; Van Hoecke, Marie Pierre |
66 | XX_frag: design of cDNA sequences for microarrays-application to CGH
Hubans, Christine; Kerkaert, Jean Pierre; Van Hoecke, Marie Pierre |
67 | Variance stabilization applied to stochastic modeling of DNA microarray measurements, calibration, and the quantification of differential expression
Huber, Wolfgang (1); von Heydebreck, Anja (2); Sueltmann, Holger(1); Poustka, Annemarie (1); Vingron, Martin (2) |
68 | matriXarray platform: Workflow for Experimental Planning, Data Extraction, Data Interpretation and Data Handling of Microarray Experiments
Hurlebaus, Jochen (1); Renzing, Jochen(1); Fellenberg, Matthias(2); Beichele, Sebastian(2); Anderson, Brooke P.(3); Frey, Bruno(1) |
69 | E.coli Heat Shock Response Control Mechanism in Silicon Analysis
Hu, Bin; Matsuzaiki,Yuri; Tomita, Masaru; Hiroki, Kitano |
70 | Improved gene selection for classification of microarrays
Jaeger, Jochen; Sengupta, Rimli; Ruzzo, Walter L. |
71 | Automated Model Builder (AMB) for nuclear receptors
Joosten, Henk-Jan; Bettler, Emmanuel; Vriend, Gert |
72 | IMGT/3Dstructure-DB for immunoglobulin, T cell receptor and MHC structural data
Kaas, Quentin; Lefranc, Marie-Paule |
73 | SBEprimer: Primer Design for Multiplexed Genotyping
Kaderali, Lars; Deshpande, Alina; White, P. Scott |
74 | Mapping sequence properties to biological classification by machine learning algorithms
Kanapin, Alexander; Soinov, Lev; Krestyaninova, Maria |
75 | Identification of ORFs from Organelle Genomes: A Data Mining approach using C4.5 Machine Learning Algorithm
Kannan, Sivakumar; Boucher, Genevieve; Burger, Gertraud |
76 | Automatic construction of genetic networks using artificial neural networks and natural language processing
Karopka, Thomas; Scheel, Thomas; Bansemer, Sven; Glass, Änne |
77 | Finding and Characterizing Novel Cancer Related Genes in Genomic Sequences Using IBM Life Sciences Framework
Kelkar, Bhooshan P. |
78 | Optimized recognition of errors in protein structures using knowledge based potentials: general findings and application to ProSAII
Kienberger, Ferry; Wiederstein, Markus; Lackner, Peter; Sippl, Manfred J. |
79 | The Effects of the Transcription Factor on Binding Site Information are Constrained by Genetic Autonomy
Kim, Jan T.; Martinetz, Thomas; Polani, Daniel |
80 | Kinetic modeling of metabolic changes in Down Syndrome
Klipp, Edda |
81 | Integration and Visualisation of Experimental Data
Knäble, Hella; Ratsch, Esther; Kania, Renate; Wittig, Ulrike; Rojas, Isabel |
82 | Process Management for the Chip Fabrication
Kokocinski,Felix; Wrobel,Gunnar; Lichter,Peter |
83 | Doublet frequency maps of DNA sequences: A tool for quantitative visualization
of segment homologies
Köhler, Michael (1); Wölfl, Stefan (2) |
84 | The SYSTERS Protein Family Web Server
Krause, Antje; Meinel, Thomas; Stoye, Jens; Schmidt, Heiko A.; Luz, Hannes; Vingron, Martin |
85 | A 2nd Order Polynomial Normalization for Competitive Microarray Experiments
Kroll, Torsten; Wölfl, Stefan |
86 | Analysis of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated innate immune response with TRANSPATH®
Krull, Mathias; Choi, Claudia; Pistor, Susanne; Voss, Nico; Wingender, Edgar |
87 | CodeProbe - coding frame detection tool
Kumanduri, Vasudev; Schweizer, Patrick |
88 | Algebraic Concepts for Data Domains in Life Science
Lange, Matthias(1); Köhler, Jacob(2); Schweizer, Patrick(1) |
89 | Tools for comparative Genome Analysis by low redundant sequencing
Lehmann, Rüdiger; Romualdi, Alessandro; Siddiqui, Roman; Szafranski, Karol; Glöckner, Gernot; Sühnel, Jürgen; Platzer, Matthias |
90 | Gene duplications at the base of chordate ancestry
Leveugle, Magalie; Prat, Karine; Coulier, François; Birnbaum, Daniel |
91 | Methylation analysis by direct sequencing of PCR products
Lewin, Jörn; Schmitt, Armin O.; Genc, Bülent; Hildmann, Thomas; Novic, Karen L.; Beck, Stephan |
92 | A linear theory of optimal regulation relates gene expression to function
Liebermeister, Wolfram; Schuster, Stefan; Heinrich, Reinhard |
93 | Comparative genomics study of inverted repeats in bacteria
Lillo, Fabrizio; Basile, Salvatore; Mantegna,, Rosario |
94 | Research and teaching at the Cologne University Bioinformatics Center (CUBIC)* Molecular Networks in Organisms
Lohmann, Mark; Schomburg, Dietmar |
95 | Gene Ontology Driven Classification of Gene Expression Patterns
Lottaz, Claudio; Bentink, Stefan; Spang, Rainer |
96 | A hidden Markov model for progressive multiple alignment
Löytynoja, Ari; Milinkovitch, Michel |
97 | Interpreting Patterns of Codon Usage in Bacterial Genomes
Mahony, Shaun; Golden, Aaron; McInerney, James |
98 | Structural Infectomics: Identification and Characterization of Potential Virulence Factors in Legionella pneumophila
Mann, Martin; Heyne, Steffen; Pal, Debnath; Baharuddin, Aida; Vogel, Andre'; Hilgenfeld, Rolf |
99 | Trying to reconstruct the history of genes families
Marangoni, Roberto; Pisanti, Nadia; Ferragina, Paolo; Frangioni, Antonio; Luccio, Fabrizio |
100 | A Statistical Learning Approach to Predicting Protein-DNA-Binding Sites
Martinetz, Thomas; Gewehr, Jan E.; Kim, Jan T. |
101 | Development and application of functional surface representations of proteins using GRID: A simple but effective post-filter for geometric rigid body protein-protein docking
Martin, Oliver; Wohlfahrt, Gerd; Schomburg, Dietmar |
102 | A Graph-based Pathway Searching System over a Signal Transduction Database
May, Gerhard H.W.; Gilbert, David |
103 | Analysis of the hierarchical structure of large scale metabolic networks constructed from genome data
Ma, H.-W.; Aeng, A.-P. |
104 | "VIRTUAL2D" - A web accessible predictive database for proteomic analysis
Medjahed, Djamel; Smythers, Gary; Powel,l Douglas; Lemkin, Peter; Munroe, David |
105 | Self-association of isoguanine nucleobases and molecular recognition of alkaline ions: Tetrad versus pentad structures
Meyer, M.; Suehnel, J. |
106 | TSM, the TRANSFAC Saccharomyces Module
Michael, Holger; Christensen, Maik; Goessling, Ellen; Wingender, Edgar |
107 | GeneRule: A Tool for Extraction and Validation of Knowledge for Rule - Based Expert Systems
Monossov, Vladimir; Guthke, Reinhard |
108 | Biclustering microarray data by Gibbs sampling
Moreau, Yves; Qizheng, Sheng; De Moor, Bart |
109 | 4DiCeS: A Workbench for the Simulation of Intracellular Signalling
Möller, Mark; Oleson, Björn E.; Prank, Klaus |
110 | Advantages of a global optimization approach for the cluster analysis of gene expression data
Möller, Ulrich; Thies, Frank |
111 | PRODORIC: Prokaryotic Database Of Gene Regulation
Münch, Richard; Hiller, Karsten; Schobert, Max; Wingender, Edgar; Jahn, Dieter |
112 | Genomic Object Net in JAVA: A Platform for Biopathway Modeling and Simulation
Nagasaki, Masao; Doi, Atsushi; Sasaki, Makiko; Savoie, Christopher J.; Matsuno, Hiroshi; Miyano, Satoru |
113 | ElMaR: A Protein Docking System using Flexibility Information
Neumann, Steffen; Zoellner, Frank; Koch, Kerstin; Kummert, Franz; Sagerer, Gerhard |
114 | ASPIC Application-Service-Providing for integrated simulations and visualization in science and engineering on high performance pc-clusters
Niedworok, Sebastian; Nollert, Hans-Peter |
115 | A new method of finding similarity regions in DNA sequences
Noé, Laurent; Kucherov, Gregory |
116 | 4DiCeS: Simulating Diffusion of Signalling Molecules within a Cell
Oleson, Björn E.; Möller, Mark; Prank, Klaus |
117 | The nest/egg motif in proteins - a comprehensive structural bioinformatics study
Pal, Debnath; Suehnel, Juergen; Weiss, Manfred S. |
118 | Hidden messages in the nef gene of HIV-1suggest a novel RNA secondary structure
Peleg, Ofer; Trifonov, Edward; Bolshoy, Alexander |
119 | SWISS-PROT Format Developments
Phan, Isabelle; Redaschi, Nicole; Roland, Pascal; Runte, Kai; Jain, Eric; Bairoch, Amos |
120 | A New Database on Alternative Splice Forms
Pospisil, Heike; Herrmann, Alexander; Reich, Jens |
121 | Modeling the Architecture of Signal Transduction Networks: Insulin Receptor Signaling Pathways
Potapov, Anatolij; Wingender, Edgar |
122 | Detection of a Sequence of Manipulated Experiments for Bayesian Learning
Pournara, Iosifina; Wernisch, Lorenz |
123 | PACS: A novel methodology and graphical representation for understanding protein structure from an engineer's perspective
Prasad, B.V.L.S. |
124 | WILMA - a platform for the annotation of protein sequences
Prlic, Andreas; Domingues, Francisco S.; Lackner, Peter; Sippl, Manfred J. |
125 | The Proteome Analysis Database in 2002
Pruess, Manuela; Kanapin, Alexander; Karavidopoulou, Youla; Kersey, Paul; Kriventseva, Evgenia; Mittard, Virginie; Mulder, Nicola; Phan, Isabelle; Apweiler, Rolf |
126 | Hybrid clustering for microarray image analysis combining intensity and shape features
Rahnenfueher, Joerg |
127 | The Jena Centre for Bioinformatics
Rahn, Kerstin; Suehnel, Juergen |
128 | Statistical analysis of consistent repeating patterns in a set of 16S rDNA sequences
Raje,D.V.; Purohit, H.J.; Singh, R.N. |
129 | Unifying Data Mining Tools for Automated Annotation on TrEMBL
Rakow, Astrid; Hackmann, Andre; Kretschmann, Ernst; O'Rourke, John; Apweiler, Rolf |
130 | Improved Prediction of RNA Secondary Structures Including Pseudoknots
Reeder, Jens; Giegerich, Robert |
131 | Using a Biochemical Pathways Database for Deriving Transition-State Drug Analogs
Reitz, Martin; Sacher, Oliver; Gasteiger ,Johann |
132 | The moss transcriptome
Rensing, Stefan; Lang, Daniel; Reski, Ralf |
133 | Inferring Coarse-Grained Models of Regulatory Gene Networks from Dynamic Expression Data
Repsilber, Dirk; Kim, Jan T. |
134 | Reversible scaling of dihedral angle barriers during molecular dynamics to improve structure prediction of cyclic peptides and protein loops
Riemann, Nico; Zacharias, Martin |
135 | Probability occurrence of structured motifs and application to candidates promoters
Robin, Stéphane; Daudin, Jean-Jacques; Richard, Hugues; Sagot, Marie-France; Schbath, Sophie |
136 | Building a Protein Structure Workbench with PyMOL
Rother, Kristian; Froemmel ,C. |
137 | Comparing Whole Genomes with the Artemis Comparison Tool (ACT)
Rutherford, Kim |
138 | Feature Subset Selection for Splice Site Prediction by Estimation of Distribution Algorithms
Saeys, Yvan; Degroeve, Sven; Aeyels, Dirk; Van de Peer, Yves; Rouzé, Pierre |
139 | Bilateral inverse symmetry in whole bacterial chromosomes
Sanchez, Joaquin (1); Jose Marco, V. (2) |
140 | Analysis of topological representations of transcriptional regulatory regions
Sand, Olivier; Vu, Tien Dung; Gilbert, David; Viksna, Juris |
141 | Searching for biologically meaningful groupings in microarray clustering data
Schacherer, Frank; Scheel, Hartmut; Hofmann, Kay |
142 | Data mining for protein interaction domains
Scheel, Hartmut; Hofmann, Kay |
143 | TRANSFAC® Database on Eukaryotic Gene Transcription Regulation: Innovations and Improvements in Content, Structure and Bioinformatic Tools
Scheer, Maurice P.; Matys, Volker; Fricke, Ellen; Land, Sigrid; Thiele, Susanne; Michael, Holger; Gößling, Ellen; Hornischer, Klaus; Reuter, Ingmar; Kel, Alexander E.; Kel-Margoulis, Olga V.; Wingender, Edgar |
144 | GHMM & HMMed: A comprehensive HMM toolkit
Schliep, Alexander |
145 | A Novel Binary Clustering Algorithm to Analyze Gene Expression Time Series
Schmidt-Heck, Wolfgang; Guthke, Reinhard; Reischer, Helga; Dürrschmid, Karin; Bayer, Karl |
146 | A Structural Model for NDH-2: Membrane Interaction and Function
Schmid, Ralf; Gerloff, Dietlind L. |
147 | Hidden Markov Model based clustering of gene expression data
Schoenhuth, Alexander; Schliep, Alexander; Mueller, Tobias; Steinhoff, Christine |
148 | BRENDA - the Enzyme and Metabolic Information System
Schomburg, D.; Schomburg, I.; Chang, A.; Hofmann, O.; Ebeling, C.; Ehrentreich, F. |
149 | Interface targetring inhibitors of HIV-1 Protease
Schramm, H.J.; König, S.; Büttner, J.; Schramm, W. |
150 | Composing a promoter model for antibacterial response of epithelial cells
Shelest, Ekaterina; Kel, Alexander; Gößling, Ellen; Wingender, Edgar |
151 | Noise in gene expression systems with monomer and dimer autoregulation
Shibata, Tatsuo; Mikhailov, Alexander S. |
152 | Multiple Local Sequence Structure Alignment of RNA Sequences
Siebert, Sven |
153 | Efficient Stochastic Simulation of Intracellular Signalling
Singh, Kapil; Prank, Klaus |
154 | Predicting structure and function by comparing local sequence motifs
Sitbon, Einat; Pietrokovski, Shmuel |
155 | Discovery of protein complexes in the network of protein interactions
Spirin, Victor; Zhao, Dacheng; Mirny, Leonid |
156 | BLASTing Proteomes, Yielding Phylogenies
Spitzer, Michael(1); Lorkowski, Stefan(2); Cullen, Paul(3); Fuellen, Georg(1) |
157 | Clustering of differentially expressed genes in the human genome
Steigele, Stephan; Dietzsch, Janko; Khaitovich, Philipp; Huson, Daniel; Pääbo, Svante; Nieselt-Struwe, Kay |
158 | Comparison of Various Normalisation Strategies for Microarray Analysis
Steinhoff, C.; Nuber, U.A.; Vingron, Martin |
159 | Modeling the influence of feedback loops on the G1/S transition
Swat, Maciej; Kel, Alexander; Kel-Margoulis, Olga; Deineko, Oleg; Herzel, Hanspeter |
160 | Structure prediction of protein segments with low target/template sequence identity based on a reduced protein model
Szymoszek, Andrzej; Zacharias, Martin |
161 | AGenDA: A WWW Server for Gene Recognition by Comparative Sequence Analysis
Taher, Leila (1); Rinner, Oliver (2); Garg, Saurabh (1); Scyrba, Alexander (3); Brudno, Mike (4); Batzouglou, Serafim (5); Morgenstern, Burkhard (1) |
162 | Hierarchical Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Characterising Protein Families
Tan, Aik Choon; Gilbert, David |
163 | Evaluation of methods for the searching RNA motifs task
Thebault, Patricia; Allouche, David; Gaspin, Christine |
164 | Predicting protein-protein interactions for the C. elegans interactome project
Thierry-Mieg, Nicolas |
165 | MotifScanner: a novel probabilistic approach to screen DNA sequences for predefined regulatory elements
Thijs, Gert; Aerts, Stein; Moreau, Yves; Marchal, Kathleen; De Moor, Bart |
166 | Exploiting weak sequence similarities for protein functional prediction
Tomiuk, Stefan; Scheel, Hartmut; Hofmann, Kay |
167 | ProToGO - evaluating biological features for a set of proteins using GO annotations
Ulanovsky, Hagit (1); Ron, Shany (1); Kifer, Ilona (2) |
168 | Nuclear receptor information management: application with a nuclear receptor mutation database
van Durme, Joost; Bettler, Emmanuel; Folkertsma, Simon; Vriend, Gert |
169 | Incorporating Sequence and Biochemical Information in Topological Models of Protein Structure Towards the Structural and Functional Genomics
Veeramalai, Mallika (1); Gilbert, David (1); Westhead, David (2) |
170 | Similarity based approach to protein domain architecture prediction
Vlahovicek, Kristian; Kajan, Laszlo; Pongor, Sandor |
171 | Homology modeling and molecular dynamics simulation of the human androgen receptor ligand binding domain
von Langen, Johannes; Diekmann, Stephan; Hillisch, Alexander |
172 | Oligonucleotide Selection for Molecular Taxa Classification via Microarray Technology Using Special Types of Multiple Sequence Alignments
von Rohr, Peter (1); Roth, Alexander (1); Frey, Jürgen (2) |
173 | Alignments of sequences with repeats
Wagner, Holger |
174 | An Approach to Support the Comparison of Microbial Genomic DNA Sequences with Spatial Knowledge of Genomic Structures
Wetjen, Tom |
175 | The Influence of Environment on Horizontal Gene Transfer
Whitehead, Dion; Dress, Andreas |
176 | Molecular dynamics simulations on the free and complexed SHP2-SH2 domain
Wieligmann, Karin; Zacharias, Martin |
177 | Quantitative analysis of the large-scale organization of the protein-protein interaction network in yeast
Wilhelm, Thomas; Nasheuer, Heinz-Peter; Suehnel, Juergen |
178 | TrEMBL protein sequence database: a guide to the proteomic world
Williams, Allyson; Martin, Maria Jesus; O'Donovan, Claire; Barrell, Daniel; Fedotov, Alexander; Apweiler, Rolf |
179 | Protein Structure Prediction In The Face-Centered-Cubic Lattice
Will, Sebastian; Backofen, Rolf |
180 | ZIGIA-DB: A Public Database to Access Arabidopsis thaliana Knockout Plants
Wingen, Luzie U.; Saedler, Heinz; Dekker, Koen |
181 | Choosing transition prior to maximize accuracy in homologue searches using Hidden Markov Models
Wistrand, Markus; Sonnhammer, Erik L.L |
182 | Applying Data Mining Methods to SELDI-TOF Analysed Renal Cell Carcinoma Samples to Identify Relevant Tumor Markers
Woetzel, Dirk; Driesch, Dominik; Pfaff, Michael; von Eggeling, Ferdinand; Junker, Kerstin; Guthke, Reinhard |
183 | SNP Database Integration Project
Wong, Marie; Choo, Keng Wah; Liu, Jianjun |
184 | Towards standardized microarray experiments: complete data management
Wölfl, Stefan; Kube, Steffen |
185 | rChip: Documenting microarray data analysis
Wrobel, Gunnar; Radlwimmer, Bernhard; Lichter, Peter |
186 | Information Management of Zebrafish Full-length cDNA project
Yuyu, Kuang; Oh, Tania; Mathavan, S.; Le Ber, Pierre Louis; Dowts, Heidi; Kolatkar, Prasanna R. |
187 | SigNetRouter - Computer Program for Detecting the Routes between Factors and Targets in Signaling Networks
Zevedei-Oancea, Ionela; Schuster, Stefan |
188 | Prediction of transcription factors that activate promoters with E2F in a synergistic manner
Zhong, Sheng; Wong, Wing Hung |
189 | Quantitative Characterization and Scaling of Human Signal Transduction Networks
Ziagos, Sotirios (1); Hoffmann, Martin (2); Wilhelm, Thomas (3) |
190 | Calculating Residue Flexibility Information from Statistics and Energy based Prediction
Zoellner, Frank; Koch, Kerstin; Neumann, Steffen; Kummert, Franz; Sagerer, Gerhard |