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Title: Comparing Whole Genomes with the Artemis Comparison Tool (ACT)
Rutherford, Kim
Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute

The amount of data obtained from a pairwise comparison of whole genomes can be overwhelming, even when those genomes are highly similar. Interesting features such as syntenic regions, insertions, deletions, dispersed repeats, large-scale inversions or translocations are often not immediately apparent from the raw alignment output (e.g. Blast output).

Artemis Comparison Tool (ACT) is an DNA sequence comparison viewer based on Artemis. It presents a graphical representation of the pairwise comparison of an arbitrary number of genomes (two or more) using comparison data generated by programs such as BLAST. EMBL, GenBank or GFF format annotation can be loaded in addition and presented in context with the comparison. The user can pan and zoom the view interactively, examine per-CDS database search results and create or edit annotation from within the ACT environment.

Here ACT analyses of genomes sequenced at the Pathogen Sequencing Unit are presented along with examples from larger genomes.

In common with Artemis, ACT is written in Java and runs on UNIX, GNU/Linux, Macintosh and MS Windows systems. ACT is free software and is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.