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Event Entry

New for: D2, D3

What and Who

Automated Construction of Machine-Checked Cryptographic Proofs

Santiago Zanella Béguelin
IMDEA Software Institute, Madrid
SWS Colloquium

Santiago Zanella Béguelin obtained his degree in Computer Science from
Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina in 2006, and his
Ph.D. under the supervision of Gilles Barthe on the formal
certification of game-based cryptographic proofs from Ecole Nationale
Supérieure des Mines de Paris in 2010. He is currently a Postdoctoral
Research Fellow at the IMDEA Software Institute, Madrid, Spain
AG 1, AG 2, AG 3, AG 4, AG 5, SWS, RG1, MMCI  
Expert Audience

Date, Time and Location

Tuesday, 15 March 2011
60 Minutes
E1 4


The game-based approach is an established methodology for structuring
security proofs of cryptographic schemes. Its essence lies in giving
precise mathematical descriptions of the interaction between an
adversary and an oracle system---such descriptions are referred to as
games---and to organize proofs as sequences of games, starting from a
game that represents a security goal, and proceeding by successive
transformations to games that represent security
assumptions. Game-based proofs can be rigorously formalized by
representing games as probabilistic programs and relying on
programming language techniques to justify proof steps. In this talk I
will describe two tools that follow this approach: CertiCrypt and

* CertiCrypt is built upon the general-purpose proof assistant Coq and
 provides certified mechanisms to reason about probabilistic
 programs, including a relational Hoare logic, a theory of
 observational equivalence, verified program transformations, and
 ad-hoc techniques, such as reasoning about failure
 events. CertiCrypt has been notably applied to verify security
 proofs of OAEP and FDH.

* EasyCrypt is an automated tool written in OCaml that builds upon SMT
 solvers to synthesize machine-checked proofs from proof sketches,
 which include the full sequence of games, relational logic judgments
 and claims relating the probability of events in successive
 games. Relational judgments are proved using a verification
 condition generator that yields proof obligations that can be
 discharged by SMT solvers. To verify claims about probability, we
 implement a mechanism that combines some elementary rules to
 directly compute bounds on the probability of events with rules to
 derive probability (in)equalities from relational judgments. Most
 components of EasyCrypt are proof-producing, so that proofs built by
 EasyCrypt can be exported to CertiCrypt and verified using Coq,
 assuming proof obligations discharged by SMT solvers are
 valid. EasyCrypt has been notably used to verify the security of the
 Cramer-Shoup cryptosystem.

If time permits, the talk will feature a demo of the use of EasyCrypt
to build a proof, export it to CertiCrypt and verify it using Coq.


Brigitta Hansen
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Brigitta Hansen, 03/11/2011 11:11 -- Created document.