Imperative programming languages provide procedural mechanisms for
structuring large programs. In the last years our group has used pushdown
automata to model and verify programs with (possibly recursive)
Currently, we (and other groups using our tools) are able to check
properties of programs with up to ten thousands of lines within few
A fascinating current challenge is the verification of probabilistic
programs. Stochastic decisions can be an intrinsic part of the program,
as in randomized algorithms, or can be added to it in order to
model our limited knowledge of the program or of its environment.
While finite Markov chains provide a resonable
semantics for probabilistic while programs, probabilistic pushdown
automata (or
equivalent models like recursive Markov chains) must be used in the
procedural case. These models generate infinite Markov chains, and so
many of the basic results of Markov chain theory, which are only valid
for finite chains, cannot be applied.
In the talk I will first summarize our work on the non-probabilistic
case. I will then proceed to present algorithms and complexity bounds
for some representative problems on verification
of probabilistic pushdown automata. They concern
the probability of termination, the expected running time, and the
expected time it takes to serve a request.
The talk is based on joint work with Tomasz Brazdil, Tony Kucera, and
Richard Mayr, but also on the work of our friendly competitors,
Kousha Etessami and Mihalis Yannakakis.
Here is a quiz question for you, probably not difficult to answer with
Google at your
fingertips: Guess the reason for the talk's title. Hint: it has to
do with the talk's date.