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Event Entry

What and Who

Getting the User in the Loop - Building Secure Systems that People can Use

Dr. Alexander de Luca
LMU München, LFE Medieninformatik
CISPA Distinguished Lecture Series
AG 1, AG 2, AG 3, AG 4, AG 5, SWS, RG1, MMCI  
Expert Audience

Date, Time and Location

Monday, 14 April 2014
60 Minutes
E1 5


Security mechanisms like encryption are an undeniable necessity. However, no matter how
good they are, they might not be sufficient to adequately protect users as many breaches already happen at the user interface level. This is mostly the case if the usability of the system is low and/or if it is too difficult to understand. The main problem is that security is never the user’s primary goal and thus, security mechanisms are considered a barrier between the users and the tasks they want to perform. This can be seen as an extra burden for developers of secure systems as usability problems not only influence the performance and create annoyance but also directly affect security.

This talk provides insights into how users can be taken into the loop when designing secure and privacy respectful systems and how this positively affects overall system security. Several examples of usable security research projects will be described with a special emphasis on the development of the security mechanisms by talking human factors into account.


Prof. Dr. Michael Backes
0681-302 71922
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CISPA; Distinguished Lecture; Michael Backes

Stephanie Feyahn, 04/08/2014 13:06 -- Created document.