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New for: D3

What and Who

The Weisfeiler-Lehman Kernel

Karsten Borgwardt
MPI Biological Cybernetics, Tuebingen
AG 1, AG 3, AG 5, SWS, AG 4, RG1, MMCI  
AG Audience

Date, Time and Location

Tuesday, 21 September 2010
30 Minutes
E1 4


Kernel methods are a family of algorithms in intelligent data analysis, which have gained enormous popularity in machine learning over the last

15 years. One reason for their attractiveness lies in the fact that the underlying theory of these algorithms can
easily be generalised from vectorial data to strings, time series, graphs and other types of
structured data. In real-world applications, the efficient computation of the kernel
function, i.e. of the similarity measure, is a key challenge. For strings and time series, efficient computation
techniques for kernels were developed early on, but graph kernels remained slow to compute and only applicable to
graphs with a few dozen nodes without attributes. A major focus of our research has been to turn graph kernels from a theoretical concept into a useful
tool for practical graph data analysis. In this talk, we will present our work on efficient graph kernels, in
particular a recent breakthrough from 2009, which now allows for highly scalable graph kernel computation (Shervashidze, Borgwardt. Fast
Subtree Kernels on Graphs, NIPS Outstanding Student Paper Award 2009).


Kurt Mehlhorn
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Kurt Mehlhorn, 09/15/2010 09:53
Kurt Mehlhorn, 09/15/2010 09:53 -- Created document.