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PhD Application talk: Regularization path for Lp-norm multiple kernel learning

Rohit Babbar
PhD Application Talk
AG 1, AG 2, AG 3, AG 4, AG 5, SWS, RG1, MMCI  
MPI Audience

Date, Time and Location

Monday, 25 July 2011
90 Minutes
E1 4


The value of the regularization parameter λ (or mis-classification cost C) is crucial for the generalization accuracy of Support vector Machines (SVM). Approaches such as m-fold cross-validation require the model to be trained multiple times and hence could be computationally prohibitive. The regularization path for SVM was studied in [1] in which it was shown that without much computational overhead, the value of the SVM parameters can be computed for all values of the regularization parameter. The key contribution was to prove the piece-wise linearity of the dual variable α with respect to the regularization parameter. The regularization path for L1-norm Support Vector Machine has been studied in [2]. The general properties of the loss and penalty functions which lead to piecewise linear solution paths has been studied in [3].

Multiple Kernel Learning (MKL) in the context of Support Vector Machines refers to the problem of learning both the SVM parameters and kernel matrix from the training data, rather than using a pre-specified kernel. Various techniques have been to solve the MKL problem which include solving it as a Semi-definite program[4], or solving the intermediate saddle-point problem due to the non-differentiability of the dual optimization problem[5]. The recent approach in [6] to solve the general Lp-norm (p > 1) instead of the standard l1 regularization formulation leads to the dual which is differentiable with respect to the dual variable α. This allows the use of Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO) algorithm and hence leading to a significant speedup towards training the SVM.

As part of my thesis work, I have worked towards solving the regularization path for Lp-norm MKL. This includes completing the mathematical derivation for the following:

1.  Evaluating the initial values of the dual variable α, and the decision function for large value of the regularization parameter λ.

2.  Evaluating the value of the regularization parameter λ for the first breakpoint as it is decreased from large values and also the other SVM parameters.

3.  Iteration step, which given the current break-point, computes the next break-point by solving a set of non-linear equations.

4.  Above three steps by varying the coefficient for the p-norm regularizer for the kernel weights.

Experiments for the Sonar dataset (208 points, 60 features each) using the kernel function Kk(xi; xj) = e __ (xik __ xjk)2 show that αi for most of the points increases linearly for small value of λ(< 40), then exhibit piecewise non-linearity and eventually become close to 1 for large values. The values of the kernel weights dk remain constant for a while for small value of λ and then decrease towards zero for large values.


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Heike Przybyl, 07/21/2011 12:26 -- Created document.