Campus Event Calendar

Event Entry

What and Who

Determining the smallest k such that G is k-outerplanar

Frank Kammer
Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik - D1
AG1 Mittagsseminar (own work)
AG 1, AG 3, AG 5, RG2, AG 2, AG 4, RG1, SWS  
AG Audience

Date, Time and Location

Monday, 2 April 2007
-- Not specified --
E1 4


The outerplanarity index of a planar graph G is the smallest k

such that G has a k-outerplanar embedding. We show how to compute the
outerplanarity index of an n-vertex planar graph in O(n^2) time,
improving the previous best bound of O(k^3 n^2).

We also give a linear-time 4-approximation algorithm for the same
problem and show how this can be used to solve maximum independent set, minimum dominating set and several other NP-hard problems faster on planar graphs with outerplanarity indices within a constant factor of their treewidths.


Khaled Elbassioni
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Khaled Elbassioni, 03/23/2007 20:37 -- Created document.