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Faster Exponential Time Algorithm for Edge Coloring Using 3 Colors

Lukasz Kowalik
Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik - D 1
AG1 Mittagsseminar (own work)
AG 1  
AG Audience
-- Not specified --

Date, Time and Location

Friday, 16 June 2006
-- Not specified --
E1 4
rotunda 3rd floor


We consider the edge-coloring problem, i.e. given a graph assign colors to edges so that incident edges get different colors (or, equivalently, partition graph into a number of matchings). Let Delta denote the largest vertex degree in the graph. Then trivially, Delta colors are needed. Surprisingly, Delta + 1 colors always suffice (Vizing's Theorem). However, distingushing between these two cases is NP-complete for Delta >= 3.

In the talk I will focus on the first NP-complete case: subcubic graphs (Delta=3). I will describe an O(1.344^n)-time algorithm which colors such graphs with 3 colors or reports that this is impossible. This improves over the previous O(1.415^n)-time algorithm by Beigel & Eppstein. I will try to present my algorithm as an illustration of some general currently used principles of designing and analyzing "fast" exponential-time algorithms.


Lukasz Kowalik
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Lukasz Kowalik, 06/16/2006 10:08
Lukasz Kowalik, 05/29/2006 12:07 -- Created document.