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Building a peer-to-peer full-text Web search engine with highly discriminative keys

Silvana Solomon
Master's Seminar
AG 1, AG 2, AG 3, AG 4, AG 5, SWS  
MPI Audience

Date, Time and Location

Wednesday, 28 June 2006
60 Minutes
E1 4


Web search engines designed on top of peer-to-peer (P2P) overlay networks
foresee attractive search scenarios operating at a large scale. However,
the design of effective indexing techniques for extremely large document
collections still raises a number of open technical challenges:
potentially huge bandwidth consumption during both indexing and querying
and also the unavailability of global document collection statistics.
Since a straightforward application of P2P solutions for Web search
generates unscalable indexing and search traffic, the authors propose a
novel indexing technique which maintains a global key index in structured
P2P overlays. The experimental results show reasonable indexing costs
while the retrieval quality is comparable to standard centralized
solutions with TF-IDF ranking. The new indexing scheme presented in this
paper is a contribution toward realistic P2P Web search engines.
Note: The presentation is based on the paper with the same name by Aberer,
Klemm et al.


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Jennifer Gerling, 06/26/2006 10:44 -- Created document.