Campus Event Calendar

Event Entry

What and Who

A Novel Approach for Fast and Accurate Bilateral Filtering

Shin Yoshizawa
RIKEN, Japan

Researcher at RIKEN, Japan, since January 2007. Main research interest includes discrete differential geometry approaches for mesh processing, shape modeling, and image processing applications. Developing computational tools for cell biologists to analyze their observed 4D images. April 2002 - December 2006: Ph.D Fellowship at Computer Graphics Department, MPI Informatik: Dr.-Ing. (December 2006, University of Saarland). April 1999 - March 2002: Graduate student in Computer Science at University of Aizu, Japan: Master Degree in Computer Science and Engineering (March 2001, University of Aizu).
AG 4  
AG Audience

Date, Time and Location

Thursday, 29 October 2009
30 Minutes
E1 4


In spite of high computational complexity, the bilateral filter and its modifications and extensions have recently become very popular image and shape processing tools. In this talk, I introduce a novel approach for fast and accurate approximation of the bilateral filter. The approach combines a dimension elevation trick with a Fast Gauss Transform. First we represent the bilateral filter as a convolution in a high dimensional space. Then the convolution is efficiently approximated by using space partitioning and Gaussian function expansions. Advantages of our approach include linear computational complexity, user-specified precision, and an ability to process high dimensional and non-uniformly sampled data. Its applications to the image and volume denoising and HDR tone mapping problems are considered.
The talk includes a brief introduction of my research activities related to high-dimensional image and geometry processing for cell biology at RIKEN.


Thorsten Thormählen
+49 681 9325-417
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Thorsten Thormählen, 09/08/2009 11:55
Thorsten Thormählen, 09/08/2009 11:55 -- Created document.