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Event Entry

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Point-Based Multi-Resolution Rendering

Michael Wand
Universität Tübingen
AG4 Group Meeting
AG 4  
AG Audience

Date, Time and Location

Thursday, 21 October 2004
45 Minutes
46.1 - MPII


Handling complexity is one of the key problems of computer graphics. Current applications of computer graphics, ranging from games to computer aided design, usually have to handle highly complex three dimensional models, for example in order to achieve a high visual quality or to faithfully represent real-world artifacts.

For efficient processing, usually multi-resolution algorithms and data structures are employed: A model is represented at different levels-of-detail in order to adapt the representation accuracy to processing demands. A recent approach is the usage of point-based multi-resolution data structures: A geometric model is approximated by a hierarchy of sample points of different resolution. As being generally applicable and easy to use, such representations have recently gained some interest.

In my talk, I will discuss different data structures for point-based multi-resolution representations. Employing these data structures, I will describe different rendering applications such as real-time forward mapping, rendering of animated scenes, multi-resolution raytracing, volume rendering and sound rendering. Lastly, some directions for future work are discussed. The talk should demonstrate that point-based multi-resolution representations can solve rendering problems in various application areas that often have been hard to handle using former techniques.


Volker Blanz
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Volker Blanz, 10/17/2004 15:52
Volker Blanz, 10/17/2004 15:51 -- Created document.