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Event Entry

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Constraint satisfaction, tree duality and adjoint functors

Jan Foniok
ETH Zürich
AG1 Mittagsseminar (own work)
AG 1  
AG Audience

Date, Time and Location

Friday, 24 September 2010
45 Minutes
E1 4


I like to think of constraint satisfaction as of the existence question of homomorphisms of relational structures (which is equivalent). A particular (but powerful) case are digraph homomorphisms: a homomorphism from a digraph G to a digraph H is a mapping from V(G) to V(H) that maps arcs of G to arcs of H (and non-arcs to anything). For input G and H it is, of course, NO-complete to decide whether a homomorphism from G to H exists. A

popular setting is to fix H and ask about the complexity of deciding the existence of a homomorphism from input G to the fixed H (= CSP(H)). For some H, CSP(H) is polynomial; among them are H with so-called tree duality. I will explain what tree duality is, show that it is preserved by taking the arc graph (as well as other right adjoint functors) and discuss some applications. Joint work with Claude Tardif.


Anna Huber
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