For the case of three agents, the existence of EFX was first shown with additive valuations and then extended to nice-cancelable valuations. As our first main result, we simplify and improve the state-of-the-art by showing the existence of EFX allocations when two of the agents have general monotone valuations and one has additive or more generally MMS-feasible valuation (a strict generalization of nice-cancelable valuation functions). In contrast to the previous works, our new algorithm moves in the space of complete allocations, improving a potential, as long as the allocation is not EFX.
Secondly, we consider relaxations of EFX allocations, namely, approximate-EFX allocations and EFX allocations with few unallocated goods (charity). Through a promising new method using a problem in extremal combinatorics called Rainbow Cycle Number (RCN), Chaudhury et al. managed to show the existence of (1-epsilon)-EFX allocation with sub-linear charity, namely O((n/epsilon)^(4/5)) charity, where n is the number of agents. This is done by upper bounding the RCN by O(d^4) in d-dimension. They conjectured this number to be O(d) and gave a matching lower bound. We almost settle this conjecture by improving the upper bound to O(d log(d)) and thereby get (almost) optimal charity of \tilde{O}((n/ epsilon)^(1/2)) that is possible through this method. Our technique is based on probabilistic method. We also derandomize the approach to construct such an allocation in deterministic polynomial time.