MPI-INF/SWS Research Reports 1991-2021

2. Number - only D5 - MPI-INF/SWS Research Reports 1991-2021

2016-5-001Attachment IconDiversifying Search Results Using TimeGupta, Berberich?
2014-5-002Attachment IconPhrase Query Optimization on Inverted IndexesAnand, Mele, Bedathur, Berberich20
2014-5-001Attachment IconLearning Tuple Probabilities in Probabilistic DatabasesDylla, Theobald51
2013-5-002Attachment IconA distributed algorithm for large-scale generalized matchingMakari, Gemulla, Khandekar, Mestre, Sozio39
2012-5-004Attachment IconBuilding and maintaining halls of fame over a databaseAlvanaki, Michel, Stupar36
2012-5-003Attachment IconComputing n-gram statistics in MapReduceBerberich, Bedathur39
2012-5-002Attachment IconTop-k query processing in probabilistic databases with non-materialized viewsDylla, Miliaraki, Theobald59
2012-5-001Attachment IconMDL4BMF: Minimum Description Length for Boolean Matrix FactorizationMiettinen, Vreeken48
2011-5-002Attachment IconFinding images of rare and ambiguous entitiesTaneva, Kacimi, Weikum30
2011-5-001Attachment IconTemporal index sharding for space-time efficiency in archive searchAnand, Bedathur, Berberich, Schenkel32
2010-5-008Attachment IconQuery relaxation for entity-relationship searchElbassuoni, Ramanath, Weikum40
2010-5-007Attachment IconYAGO2: a spatially and temporally enhanced knowledge base from WikipediaHoffart, Suchanek, Berberich, Weikum50
2010-5-006Attachment IconReal-time text queries with tunable term pair indexesBroschart, Schenkel41
2010-5-005Attachment IconBonsai: Growing Interesting Small TreesSeufert, Bedathur, Mestre, Weikum27
2010-5-004Attachment IconQuery evaluation with asymmetric web servicesPreda, Suchanek, Yuan, Weikum31
2010-5-003Attachment IconEfficient temporal keyword queries over versioned textAnand, Bedathur, Berberich, Schenkel39
2010-5-002Attachment IconURDF: Efficient Reasoning in Uncertain RDF Knowledge Bases with Soft and Hard RulesTheobald, Sozio, Suchanek, Nakashole45
2010-5-001Attachment IconA language modeling approach for temporal information needsBerberich, Bedathur, Alonso, Weikum29
2009-5-007Attachment IconMING: Mining Informative Entity-Relationship SubgraphsKasneci, Weikum, Elbassuoni32
2009-5-006Attachment IconScalable phrase mining for ad-hoc text analyticsBedathur, Berberich, Dittrich, Mamoulis, Weikum41
2009-5-005Attachment IconTowards a Universal Wordnet by learning from combined evidencde Melo, Weikum32
2009-5-004Attachment IconCoupling knowledge bases and web services for active knowledgePreda, Suchanek, Kasneci, Neumann, Weikum24
2009-5-003Attachment IconThe RDF-3X engine for scalable management of RDF dataNeumann, Weikum53
2009-5-003Attachment IconThe RDF-3X engine for scalable management of RDF dataNeumann, Weikum53 S.
2009-5-002Attachment IconGenerating concise and readable summaries of XML documentsRamanath, Kumar, Ifrim30
2008-5-004Attachment IconSOFIE: a self-organizing framework for information extractionSuchanek, Sozio, Weikum49
2008-5-003Attachment IconIntegrating Yago into the suggested upper merged ontologyde Melo, Suchanek, Pease31
2008-5-002Attachment IconSingle phase construction of optimal DAG-structured QEPsNeumann, Moerkotte73
2008-5-001Attachment IconSTAR: Steiner tree approximation in relationship-graphsKasneci, Ramanath, Sozio, Suchanek, Weikum37
2007-5-003Attachment IconYago : a large ontology from Wikipedia and WordNetSuchanek, Kasneci, Weikum67
2007-5-002Attachment IconA time machine for text searchBerberich, Bedathur, Neumann, Weikum39
2007-5-001Attachment IconNAGA: searching and ranking knowledgeKasneci, Suchanek, Ifrim, Ramanath, Weikum42
2006-5-006Attachment IconYago - a core of semantic knowledgeKasnec, Suchanek, Weikum39
2006-5-005Attachment IconA neighborhood-based approach for clustering of linked document collectionsAngelova, Siersdorfer32
2006-5-004Attachment IconCombining linguistic and statistical analysis to extract relations from web documentsSuchanek, Ifrim, Weikum37
2006-5-003Attachment IconGarment texture editing in monocular video sequences based on
color-coded printing patterns
Scholz, Magnor24
2006-5-002Attachment IconIO-Top-k: index-access optimized top-k query processingBast, Majumdar, Schenkel, Theobald, Weikum49
2006-5-001Attachment IconOverlap-aware global df estimation in distributed information retrieval systemsBender, Michel, Weikum, Triantafilou25
2005-5-002Attachment IconAutomated retraining methods for document classification and their parameter tuningSiersdorfer, Weikum23
2004-5-001Attachment IconGoal-oriented methods and meta methods for document classification and their parameter tuningSiersdorfer, Sizov, Weikum32
93-116Attachment IconFinding k points with a smallest enclosing squareSmid17