BibTeX cite key | Name(s) | Year | Title |
AitKaciHanusMorenoNavarro-94-mpii224 | Aït-Kaci, Hanus, Navarro | 1994 | Integration of declarative paradigms: Proceedings of the ICLP'94 Post-Conference Workshop, Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy |
AjwaniMalingerMeyerToledo2008 | Ajwani, Malinger, Meyer, Toledo | 2008 | Characterizing the performance of Flash memory storage devices and its impact on algorithm design |
Albers92 | Albers | 1992 | The influence of lookahead in competitive on-line algorithms |
Albers97 | Albers | 1997 | Better bounds for online scheduling |
AlbersGargLeonardi97 | Albers, Garg, Leonardi | 1997 | Minimizing stall time in single and parallel disk systems |
AlbersHagerup94 | Albers, Hagerup | 1994 | Improved parallel integer sorting without concurrent writing |
AlbersHenzinger97 | Albers, Henzinger | 1997 | Exploring unknown environments |
AlbersKoga94 | Albers, Koga | 1994 | New on-line algorithms for the page replication problem |
AlbersSchmidt98 | Albers, Schmidt | 1998 | Scheduling with unexpected machine breakdowns |
AlbersWestbrook96 | Albers, Westbrook | 1996 | A survey of self-organizing data structures |
AlbertsGutwengerMutzelNáher | Alberts, Gutwenger, Mutzel, Näher | 1997 | AGD-Library: A Library of Algorithms for Graph Drawing |
AlbrechtKippNeffSeidel2006 | Albrecht, Kipp, Neff, Seidel | 2006 | Gesture modeling and animation by imitation |
AltGeffertMehlhorn91 | Alt, Geffert, Mehlhorn | 1991 | A lower bound for the nondeterministic space complexity of contextfree recognition |
AltGuibasMehlhornKarpWidgerson92 | Alt, Guibas, Mehlhorn, Karp, Widgerson | 1992 | A method for obtaining randomized algorithms with small tail probalities |
AlthausCanzer2007 | Althaus, Canzar | 2007 | A Lagrangian relaxation approach for the multiple sequence alignment problem |
AlthausKohlbacherLenhofMüller2000 | Althaus, Kohlbacher, Lenhof, Müller | 2000 | A branch and cut algorithm for the optimal solution of the side-chain placement problem |
AlthausMehlhorn97 | Althaus, Mehlhorn | 1997 | Maximum network flow with floating point arithmetic |
AlthausPolzinDaneshmand2003 | Althaus, Polzin, Daneshmand | 2003 | Improving linear programming approaches for the Steiner tree problem |
AlvanakiMichelStupar2012 | Alvanaki, Michel, Stupar | 2012 | Building and maintaining halls of fame over a database |
Anand2011 | Anand, Bedathur, Berberich, Schenkel | 2011 | Temporal index sharding for space-time efficiency in archive search |
AnandBedathurBerberichSchenkel2010 | Anand, Bedathur, Berberich, Schenkel | 2010 | Efficient temporal keyword queries over versioned text |
AnandMeleBedathurBerberich2014 | Anand, Mele, Bedathur, Berberich | 2014 | Phrase Query Optimization on Inverted Indexes |
AnderssonNilssonHagerupRaman95 | Andersson, Nilsson, Hagerup, Raman | 1995 | Sorting in linear time? |
AngelovaSiersdorfer2006 | Angelova, Siersdorfer | 2006 | A neighborhood-based approach for clustering of linked document collections |
AntoyEchahedHanus93 | Antoy, Echahed, Hanus | 1993 | A needed narrowing strategy |
Arikati94MPII94-162 | Arikati | 1994 | On the parallel complexity of degree sequence problems |
ArikatiChaudhuriZaroliagis96 | Arikati, Chaudhuri, Zaroliagis | 1996 | All-pairs min-cut in sparse networks |
ArikatiMaheshwari94 | Arikati, Maheshwari | 1994 | Realizing degree sequences in parallel |
ArikatiMaheshwariZaroliagis | Arikati, Maheshwari, Zaroliagis | 1994 | Efficient computation of compact representations of sparse graphs |
ArikatiMaheshwariZaroliagis95 | Arikati, Maheshwari, Zaroliagis | 1995 | Efficient computation of implicit representations of sparse graphs (revised version) |
AryaMountSmid94 | Arya, Mount, Smid | 1994 | Dynamic algorithms for geometric spanners of small diameter: randomized solutions |
AryaSmid94 | Arya, Smid | 1994 | Efficient construction of a bounded degree spanner with low weight |
BaaderOhlbach95 | Baader, Ohlbach | 1995 | A multi-dimensional terminological knowledge representation language |
Bachmair-et-el-93-mpii236 | Bachmair, Ganzinger, Lynch, Snyder | 1993 | Basic paramodulation |
Bachmair91 | Bachmair | 1991 | Associative-commutative reduction orderings |
BachmairGanzinger-91-mpii208 | Bachmair, Ganzinger | 1991 | Rewrite-based equational theorem proving with selection and simplification |
BachmairGanzinger-93-mpii249 | Bachmair, Ganzinger | 1993 | Rewrite techniques for transitive relations |
BachmairGanzinger-93-mpii250 | Bachmair, Ganzinger | 1993 | Ordered chaining for total orderings |
BachmairGanzinger-93-mpii267 | Bachmair, Ganzinger | 1993 | Associative-commutative superposition |
BachmairGanzinger-95-mpii2-009 | Bachmair, Ganzinger | 1995 | Ordered chaining calculi for first-order theories of binary relations |
BachmairGanzinger-97-mpii2-005 | Bachmair, Ganzinger | 1997 | A theory of resolution |
BachmairGanzinger97 | Bachmair, Ganzinger | 1997 | Strict basic superposition and chaining |
BachmairGanzingerVoronkov97 | Bachmair, Ganzinger, Voronkov | 1997 | Elimination of equality via transformation with ordering constraints |
BargmannBlanzSeidel2007 | Bargmann, Blanz, Seidel | 2007 | A nonlinear viseme model for triphone-based speech synthesis |
Barnes94 | Barnes | 1994 | A method for implementing lock-free shared data structures |
BarnesEdmonds94 | Barnes, Edmonds | 1994 | Time-space lower bounds for directed s-t connectivity on JAG models |
BarnesFeige94 | Barnes, Feige | 1994 | Short random walks on graphs |
BarnettBasinHesketh92 | Barnett, Basin, Hesketh | 1992 | A recursion planning analysis of inductive completion |
barth-92-mpii233 | Barth | 1992 | CLP($\cal PB$): A Meta-Interpreter in CLP($\cal R$) |
Barth-94-mpii216 | Barth | 1994 | Linear 0-1 inequalities and extended clauses |
Barth-95-mpii2003 | Barth | 1995 | A Davis-Putnam based enumeration algorithm for linear pseudo-Boolean optimization |
BarthBockmayr-94-mpii261 | Barth, Bockmayr | 1994 | Finite domain and cutting plane techniques in CLP($\cal PB$) |
Basin-94-mpii218 | Basin | 1994 | Logic frameworks for logic programs |
BasinBundyKraanMatthews93 | Basin, Bundy, Kraan, Matthews | 1993 | A framework for program development based on schematic proof |
BasinConstable92 | Basin, Constable | 1992 | Metalogical frameworks |
BasinGanzinger95 | Basin, Ganzinger | 1995 | Automated complexity analysis based on ordered resolution |
BasinHähnleFronhöferPoseggaSchwind93 | Basin, Hähnle, Fronhöfer, Posegga, Schwind (ed.) | 1993 | Workshop on Theorem Proving with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods, Marseille, France, 1993 |
BasinKlarlund | Basin, Klarlund | 1996 | Beyond the finite in automatic hardware verification |
BasinKraanBundy93 | Basin, Kraan, Bundy | 1993 | Middle-out reasoning for logic program synthesis |
BasinMatthews93 | Basin, Matthews | 1993 | A conservative extension of first-order logic and its application to theorem proving |
BasinMatthewsViganò | Basin, Matthews, Viganò | 1996 | Labelled propositional modal logics: theory and practice |
BasinMatthewsVigano96 | Basin, Matthews, Viganò | 1996 | Natural deduction for non-classical logics |
BasinMatthewsVigano97 | Basin, Matthews, Viganò | 1997 | Labelled modal logics: quantifiers |
BasinWalsh-94-mpii209 | Basin, Walsh | 1994 | Termination orderings for rippling |
BasinWalsh92a | Basin, Walsh | 1992 | Difference matching |
BasinWalsh92b | Basin, Walsh | 1992 | Difference unification |
BastHagerup93 | Bast, Hagerup | 1993 | Fast parallel space allocation, estimation and integer sorting (revised) |
BastMajumdarSchenkelTheobaldWeikum2006 | Bast, Majumdar, Schenkel, Theobald, Weikum | 2006 | IO-Top-k: index-access optimized top-k query processing |
BastWeberMortensen2006 | Bast, Weber, Mortensen | 2006 | Output-sensitive autocompletion search |
BaswanaTelikepalli2005 | Baswana, Telikepalli | 2005 | Improved algorithms for all-pairs approximate shortest paths in weighted graphs |
Baumeister96 | Baumeister | 1996 | Using algebraic specification languages for model-oriented specifications |
BaumgartenJungMehlhorn92 | Baumgarten, Jung, Mehlhorn | 1992 | Dynamic point location in general subdivisions |
BedathurBerberichDittrichMamoulisWeikum2009 | Bedathur, Berberich, Dittrich, Mamoulis, Weikum | 2009 | Scalable phrase mining for ad-hoc text analytics |
BeierSibeyn | Beier, Sibeyn | 2000 | A powerful heuristic for telephone gossiping |
BeierVöcking2003 | Beier, Vöcking | 2003 | Random knapsack in expected polynomial time |
BekaertSlusallekCoolsHavranSeidel | Bekaert, Slusallek, Cools, Havran, Seidel | 2003 | A custom designed density estimation method for light transport |
BeldiceanuKatrielThiel2004 | Beldiceanu, Katriel, Thiel | 2004 | Filtering algorithms for the Same and UsedBy constraints |
BelyaevLangerSeidel2006 | Belyaev, Langer, Seidel | 2006 | Mean value coordinates for arbitrary spherical polygons and
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BelyaevSeidelShin2006 | Belyaev, Seidel, Yoshizawa | 2006 | Skeleton-driven Laplacian mesh deformations |
BenderMichelWeikumTriantafilou2006 | Bender, Michel, Weikum, Triantafilou | 2006 | Overlap-aware global df estimation in distributed information retrieval systems |
BerberichBedathur2012 | Berberich, Bedathur | 2012 | Computing n-gram statistics in MapReduce |
BerberichBedathurAlonsoWeikum2010 | Berberich, Bedathur, Alonso, Weikum | 2010 | A language modeling approach for temporal information needs |
BerberichBedathurNeumannWeikum2007 | Berberich, Bedathur, Neumann, Weikum | 2007 | A time machine for text search |
BerberichBedathurNeumannWeikum2007 | Berberich, Bedathur, Neumann, Weikum | 2007 | A Time Machine for Text Search |
BerberichKettner2007 | Berberich, Kettner | 2007 | Linear-time reordering in a sweep-line algorithm for algebraic curves intersecting in a common point |
BernerBokelohWandSchillingSeidel2009 | Berner, Bokeloh, Wand, Schilling, Seidel | 2009 | Generalized intrinsic symmetry detection |
BernerBurghardWandMitraKleinSeidel2011 | Berner, Burghard, Wand, Mitra, Klein, Seidel | 2011 | A morphable part model for shape manipulation |
BilardiChaudhuriDubhashiMehlhorn93 | Bilardi, Chaudhuri, Dubhashi, Mehlhorn | 1993 | A lower bound for area-universal graphs |
BischoffKählerSchneiderBotschRösslVorsatz2000 | Kobbelt, Bischoff, Kähler, Schneider, Botsch, Rössl, Vorsatz | 2000 | Geometric modeling based on polygonal meshes |
BjörklundPeterssonVorobyov2001 | Björklund, Petersson, Vorobyov | 2001 | Experiments with iterative improvement algorithms on completely unimodel hypercubes |
BlackburnTzakova | Blackburn, Tzakova | 1998 | Hybrid languages and temporal logic |
BlackburnTzakova97 | Blackburn, Tzakova | 1997 | Two hybrid logics |
Blanchet2004 | Blanchet | 2004 | Automatic proof of strong secrecy for security protocols |
Bockmayr-94-mpii207 | Bockmayr | 1994 | Cutting planes in constraint logic programming |
Bockmayr91 | Bockmayr | 1991 | Logic programming with pseudo-Boolean constraints |
| Barth, Bockmayr | 1995 | Modelling mixed-integer optimisation problems in constraint logic programming |
BockmayrEisenbrand97 | Bockmayr, Eisenbrand | 1997 | On the Chvátal rank of polytopes in the 0/1 cube |
BockmayrEisenbrandMPI-I-1999-2-008 | Bockmayr, Eisenbrand | 1999 | Cutting planes and the elementary closure in fixed dimension |
BockmayrKasper97 | Bockmayr, Kasper | 1997 | A unifying framework for integer and finite domain constraint programming |
BockmayrKrischerWerner93 | Bockmayr, Krischer, Werner | 1993 | Narrowing strategies for arbitrary canonical rewrite systems |
BockmayrRadermacher93 | Bockmayr, Radermacher | 1993 | Künstliche Intelligenz und Operations Research |
BodlaenderHagerup95 | Bodlaender, Hagerup | 1995 | Parallel algorithms with optimal speedup for bounded treewidth |
BoghossianKohlbacherLenhof99 | Boghossian, Kohlbacher, Lenhof | 1999 | BALL: Biochemical Algorithms Library |
BorchertRanjan93 | Borchert, Ranjan | 1993 | The circuit subfunction relations are $sum^P_2$-complete |
Bradford95 | Bradford | 1995 | Matching nuts and bolts optimally |
BradfordCapoyleas95 | Bradford, Capoyleas | 1995 | Weak epsilon-nets for points on a hypersphere |
BradfordFleischer | Bradford, Fleischer | 1995 | Matching nuts and bolts faster |
BradfordFleischerSmid95 | Bradford, Fleischer, Smid | 1995 | A polylog-time and $O(n\sqrt\lg n)$-work parallel algorithm for finding the row minima in totally monotone matrices |
BradfordReinert96 | Bradford, Reinert | 1996 | Lower bounds for row minima searching |
BrandenburgJuengerMutzel97 | Brandenburg, Jünger, Mutzel | 1997 | Algorithmen zum automatischen Zeichnen von Graphen |
BreslauerJiangZhigen97 | Breslauer, Jiang, Jiang | 1996 | Rotations of periodic strings and short superstrings |
BrinkBritzSchmidt92 | Brink, Britz, Schmidt | 1992 | Peirce algebras |
BrinkGabbayOhlbach93 | Brink, Gabbay, Ohlbach | 1993 | Towards automating duality |
Brodal97 | Brodal | 1997 | Finger search trees with constant insertion time |
BrodalChaudhuriRadhakrishnan96 | Brodal, Chaudhuri, Radhakrishnan | 1996 | The randomized complexity of maintaining the minimum |
BrodalPinotti98 | Brodal, Pinotti | 1998 | Comparator networks for binary heap construction |
BrodalTráffZaroliagis97 | Brodal, Träff, Zaroliagis | 1997 | A parallel priority queue with constant time operations |
BrönnimanKettnerSchirraVeltkamp98 | Brönniman, Kettner, Schirra, Veltkamp | 1998 | Applications of the generic programming paradigm in the design of CGAL |
BroschartSchenkel2010 | Broschart, Schenkel | 2010 | Real-time text queries with tunable term pair indexes |
BurkhardtCrauserFerraginaLenhofRivalsVingron98 | Burkhardt, Crauser, Ferragina, Lenhof, Rivals, Vingron | 1998 | $q$-gram based database searching using a suffix array (QUASAR) |
Burnikel98-1-023 | Burnikel | 1998 | Rational points on circles |
Burnikel98-1-027 | Burnikel | 1998 | Delaunay graphs by divide and conquer |
BurnikelKoenemann96 | Burnikel, Könemann | 1996 | High-precision floating point numbers in LEDA |
BurnikelMehlhornSchirra96 | Burnikel, Mehlhorn, Schirra | 1996 | The LEDA class real number |
BurnikelMehlhornSeel99 | Burnikel, Mehlhorn, Seel | 1999 | A simple way to recognize a correct Voronoi diagram of line segments |
BurnikelZiegler98 | Burnikel, Ziegler | 1998 | Fast recursive division |
ChandranSivadasan2004 | Chandran, Sivadasan | 2004 | On the Hadwiger's conjecture for graph products |
ChandranSubramanian2003 | Chandran, Subramanian | 2003 | Girth and treewidth |
CharatonikGanzinger2002 | Charatonik, Ganzinger | 2002 | Symposium on the Effectiveness of Logic in Computer Science in Honour of Moshe Vardi |
CharatonikMPI-I-1999-2-001 | Charatonik | 1999 | Automata on DAG representations of finite trees |
CharatonikPacholski93 | Charatonik, Pacholski | 1993 | Negativ set constraints: an easy proof of decidability |
CharatonikPodelski97 | Charatonik, Podelski | 1997 | Solving set constraints for greatest models |
CharatonikTalbot2002 | Charatonik, Talbot | 2002 | Atomic set constraints with projection |
ChariHartmanis94 | Chari, Hartmanis | 1994 | On the intellectual terrain around NP |
Chaudhuri93a | Chaudhuri | 1993 | Sensitive functions and approximate problems |
Chaudhuri93b | Chaudhuri | 1993 | A lower bound for linear approximate compaction |
ChaudhuriHagerup94 | Chaudhuri, Hagerup | 1994 | Prefix graphs and their applications |
ChaudhuriHagerupRaman93 | Chaudhuri, Hagerup, Raman | 1993 | Approximate and exact deterministic parallel selection |
ChaudhuriRadhakrishnan93 | Chaudhuri, Radhakrishnan | 1993 | The complexity of parallel prefix problems on small domains |
ChaudhuriZaroliagis95a | Chaudhuri, Zaroliagis | 1995 | Shortest paths in digraphs of small treewidth sequential algorithms |
ChaudhuriZaroliagis95b | Chaudhuri, Zaroliagis | 1995 | Shortest paths in digraphs of small treewidth part II: optimal parallel algirithms |
CheriyanHagerupMehlhorn91 | Cheriyan, Hagerup, Mehlhorn | 1991 | An $O(n^3)$-time maximum-flow algorithm |
CheriyanMehlhorn91 | Cheriyan, Mehlhorn | 1991 | Algorithms for dense graphs and networks |
ChewKedernSchirra94 | Chew, Kedem, Schirra | 1994 | On characteristic points and approximate decision algorithms for the minimum Hausdorff distance |
ChoiSeidel2000 | Choi, Seidel | 2000 | Hyperbolic Hausdorff distance for medial axis transform |
ChoiSeidel2001 | Choi, Seidel | 2001 | Linear one-sided stability of MAT for weakly injective domain |
ChristofJüngerKececioglouMutzelReinelt96 | Christof, Jünger, Kececioglou, Mutzel, Reinelt | 1996 | A branch-and-cut approach to physical mapping with end-probes |
ClarksonMehlhornSeidel92 | Clarkson, Mehlhorn, Seidel | 1992 | Four results on randomized incremental constructions |
CortierGanzingerJacquemardVeanesMPI-I-1999-2-004 | Cortier, Ganzinger, Jacquemard, Veanes | 1999 | Decidable fragments of simultaneous rigid reachability |
CrauserFerragina99 | Crauser, Ferragina | 1999 | A theoretical and experimental study on the construction of suffix arrays in external memory |
CrauserFerraginaMehlhornMeyerRamos98 | Crauser, Ferragina, Mehlhorn, Meyer, Ramos | 1998 | Randomized external-memory algorithms for some geometric problems |
CrauserMehlhornAlthausetal98 | Crauser, Mehlhorn, Althaus, Brengel, Buchheit, Keller, Krone, Lambert, Schulte, Thiel, Westphal, Wirth | 1998 | On the performance of LEDA-SM |
Csaba2003 | Csaba | 2003 | On the Bollob\'as -- Eldridge conjecture for bipartite graphs |
CunninghamWang97 | Cunningham, Wang | 1997 | Restricted 2-factor polytopes |
Cvetkovic93 | Cvetkovic | 1993 | The logic of preference and decision supporting systems |
DasKapoorSmid96 | Das, Kapoor, Smid | 1996 | On the complexity of approximating Euclidean traveling salesman tours and minimum spanning trees |
DaubertHeidrichKautzDischlerSeidel2001 | Daubert, Heidrich, Kautz, Dischler, Seidel | 2001 | Efficient light transport using precomputed visibility |
deAguiarZayerTheobaltMagnorSeidel2006 | de Aguiar, Zayer, Theobalt, Magnor, Seidel | 2006 | A framework for natural animation of digitized models |
DegtyarevVoronkov98 | Degtyarev, Voronkov | 1998 | Equality reasoning in sequent-based calculi |
DelzannoPodelski98 | Delzanno, Podelski | 1998 | Model checking infinite-state systems in CLP |
DelzannoRaskinMPI-I-1999-2-007 | Delzanno, Raskin | 1999 | Symbolic representation of upward-closed sets |
deMeloSuchanekPease2008 | de Melo, Suchanek, Pease | 2008 | Integrating Yago into the suggested upper merged ontology |
deMeloWeikum2009 | de Melo, Weikum | 2009 | Towards a Universal Wordnet by learning from combined evidenc |
DeSimoneDiehlJuengerMutzelReineltRinaldi96a | De Simone, Diehl, Jünger, Mutzel, Reinelt, Rinaldi | 1996 | Exact ground states of two-dimensional $\pm J$ Ising Spin Glasses |
DevillersGolinSchirraKedern94 | Devillers, Golin, Schirra, Kedem | 1994 | Revenge of the dog: queries on Voronoi diagrams of moving points |
DiehlDeSimoneJuengerMutzelReineltRinaldi | Diehl, De Simone, Jünger, Mutzel, Reinelt, Rinaldi | 1995 | Exact ground states of Ising spin classes: new experimental results with a branch and cut algorithm |
DietzfelbingerWoelfel2003 | Dietzfelbinger, Woelfel | 2003 | Almost random graphs with simple hash functions |
DiksHagerup96 | Diks, Hagerup | 1996 | More geneal parallel tree contraction: Register allocation and broadcasting in a tree |
dim94b | Dimopoulos | 1994 | Classical methods in nonmonotonic reasoning |
Dimopoulos-93-mpii226 | Dimopoulos, Magirou, Papadimitriou | 1993 | On kernels, defaults and even graphs |
Dimopoulos-93-mpii264 | Dimopoulos, Torres | 1993 | Graph theoretical structures in logic programs and default theories |
DjidjevPantziouZaroliagis94a | Djidjev, Pantziou, Zaroliagis | 1994 | On-line and Dynamic Shortest Paths through Graph Decompositions (Preliminary Version) |
DjidjevPantziouZaroliagis94b | Djidjev, Pantziou, Zaroliagis | 1994 | On-line and dynamic algorithms for shortest path problems |
DmitrievHavranSeidel2004 | Dmitriev, Havran, Seidel | 2004 | Faster ray tracing with SIMD shaft culling |
DobrindtMehlhornYvinec93 | Dobrindt, Mehlhorn, Yvinec | 1993 | A complete and efficient algorithm for the intersection of a general convex polyhedron |
DragoMartensMyszkowskiSeidel2002 | Drago, Martens, Myszkowski, Seidel | 2002 | Perceptual evaluation of tone mapping operators with regard to similarity and preference |
Dubhashi93 | Dubhashi | 1993 | Quantifier elimination in p-adic fields |
DubhashiMehlhornRanjanThiel93 | Dubhashi, Mehlhorn, Ranjan, Thiel | 1993 | Searching, sorting and randomised algorithms for central elements and ideal counting in posets |
DubhashiPanconesi94 | Dubhashi, Panconesi | 1994 | Near-optimal distributed edge |
DubhashiPantziouSpirakisZaroliagis95 | Dubhashi, Pantziou, Spirakis, Zaroliagis | 1995 | The fourth moment in Luby`s distribution |
DubhashiPriebeRanjan96 | Dubhashi, Priebe, Ranjan | 1996 | Negative dependence through the FKG Inequality |
DubhashiRanjan94a | Dubhashi, Ranjan | 1994 | Some correlation inequalities for probabilistic analysis of algorithms |
DubhashiRanjan94b | Dubhashi, Ranjan | 1994 | Stochastic majorisation: exploding some myths |
DubhashiRanjan98 | Dubhashi, Ranjan | 1998 | On positive influence and negative dependence |
DykenZieglerTheobaltSeidel2007 | Dyken, Ziegler, Theobalt, Seidel | 2007 | HistoPyramids in Iso-Surface Extraction |
DyllaMiliarakiTheobald2012 | Dylla, Miliaraki, Theobald | 2012 | Top-k query processing in probabilistic databases with non-materialized views |
DyllaTheobald2014 | Dylla, Theobald | 2014 | Learning Tuple Probabilities in Probabilistic Databases |
EfremovMantiukMyszkowskiSeidel | Efremov, Mantiuk, Myszkowski, Seidel | 2006 | Design and evaluation of backward compatible high dynamic range video compression |
EigenwilligKettnerWolpert2006 | Eigenwillig, Kettner, Wolpert | 2006 | Snap rounding of Bézier curves |
Eisenbrand2003 | Eisenbrand | 2003 | Fast integer programming in fixed dimension |
EisenbrandMPI-I-2000-2-001 | Eisenbrand | 2000 | Short vectors of planar lattices via continued fractions |
EisingerOhlbach91 | Eisinger, Ohlbach | 1991 | Deduction systems based on resolution |
Elbassuoni2010 | Elbassuoni, Ramanath, Weikum | 2010 | Query relaxation for entity-relationship search |
FabriGiezemanKettnerSchirraSch'onherr | Fabri, Giezeman, Kettner, Schirra, Schönherr | 1998 | On the Design of CGAL, the Computational Geometry Algorithms Library |
Fatourou2000 | Fatourou | 2000 | Low-contention depth-first scheduling of parallel computations with synchronization variables |
fiatLeonardi97 | Fiat, Leonardi | 1997 | On-line network routing - a survey |
FietzkeKruglovWeidenbach2012 | Fietzke, Kruglov, Weidenbach | 2012 | Automatic generation of inductive invariants by SUP(LA) |
FietzkeWeidenbach2008 | Fietzke, Weidenbach | 2008 | Labelled splitting |
FinklerMehlhorn96 | Finkler, Mehlhorn | 1996 | Runtime prediction of real programs on real machines |
Fleischer91 | Fleischer | 1991 | A tight lower bound for the worst case of bottom-up-heapsort |
Fleischer92a | Fleischer | 1992 | A simple balanced search tree with 0(1) worst-case update time |
Fleischer92b | Fleischer | 1992 | A new lower bound technique for decision trees |
Fleischer94 | Fleischer | 1994 | Komplexitätstheorie und effiziente Algorithmen |
Fleischer97 | Fleischer | 1997 | On the Bahncard problem |
FleischerMehlhornRoteWelzl91 | Fleischer, Mehlhorn, Rote, Welzl | 1991 | Simultaneous inner and outer aproximation of shapes |
FredericksonSolis-Oba98 | Frederickson, Solis-Oba | 1998 | Robustness analysis in combinatorial optimization |
FrigioniMarchetti-SpaccamelaNanni98 | Frigioni, Marchetti-Spaccamela, Nanni | 1998 | Fully dynamic shortest paths and negative cycle detection on diagraphs with Arbitrary Arc Weights |
FuchsBlanzLenschSeidel2005 | Fuchs, Blanz, Lensch, Seidel | 2005 | Reflectance from images: a model-based approach for human faces |
FuchsChenWangRaskarLenschSeidel2009 | Fuchs, Chen, Wang, Raskar, Lensch, Seidel | 2009 | A shaped temporal filter camera |
FuchsGoeseleChenSeidel | Fuchs, Goesele, Chen, Seidel | 2005 | An emperical model for heterogeneous translucent objects |
FunkeLaueNaujoksZvi2006 | Funke, Laue, Naujoks, Zvi | 2007 | Power assignment problems in wireless communication |
Gabbay93 | Gabbay | 1993 | Classical vs non-classical logics: the universality of classical logic |
GabbayLDS | Gabbay | 1994 | LDS - Labelled Deductive Systems: Volume 1 - Foundations |
GabbayOhlbach92 | Gabbay, Ohlbach | 1992 | Quantifier elimination in second-order predicate logic |
GallBroxRosenhahnSeidel2008 | Gall, Brox, Rosenhahn, Seidel | 2007 | Global stochastic optimization for robust and accurate human motion capture |
GallPotthoffRosenhahnSchnoerrSeidel2006 | Gall, Potthoff, Rosenhahn, Schnoerr, Seidel | 2006 | Interacting and annealing particle filters: mathematics and a recipe for applications |
GallRosenhahnSeidel2007 | Gall, Rosenhahn, Seidel | 2007 | Clustered stochastic optimization for object recognition and pose estimation |
GanzingerBachmairWaldmann92 | Ganzinger, Bachmair, Waldmann | 1992 | Set constraints are the Monadic class |
GanzingerBachmairWaldmann93 | Ganzinger, Bachmair, Waldmann | 1993 | Superposition with simplification as a decision procedure for the monadic class with equality |
GanzingerJacquemardVeanes98 | Ganzinger, Jacquemard, Veanes | 1998 | Rigid reachability |
GanzingerWaldmann96 | Ganzinger, Waldmann | 1996 | Theorem proving in cancellative abelian monoids |
Garg97 | Garg | 1997 | Approximating sparsest cuts |
GargChaudhuriRavi96 | Garg, Chaudhuri, Ravi | 1996 | Generalized $k$-Center Problems |
GargKoenemann97 | Garg, Könemann | 1997 | Faster and simpler algorithms for multicommodity flow and other fractional packing problems |
GargKonjevodRavi97 | Garg, Konjevod, Ravi | 1997 | A polylogarithmic approximation algorithm for group Steiner tree problem |
GargManss97 | Garg, Manss | 1997 | Evaluating a 2-approximation algorithm for edge-separators in planar graphs |
GargPapatriantafilouTsigas96 | Garg, Papatriantafilou, Tsigas | 1996 | Distributed list coloring: how to dynamically allocate frequencies to mobile base stations |
GasieniecIndykKrysta96 | Gasieniec, Indyk, Krysta | 1996 | External inverse pattern matching |
GasieniecJanssonLingasÖstlin96 | Gasieniec, Jansson, Lingas, Östlin | 1996 | On the complexity of computing evolutionary trees |
GidenstamPapatriantafilou2007 | Gidenstam, Papatriantafilou | 2007 | LFthreads: a lock-free thread library |
GjergjiSuchanekWeikum2006 | Kasnec, Suchanek, Weikum | 2006 | Yago - a core of semantic knowledge |
GoeseleKautzLangLenschSeidel2002 | Goesele, Kautz, Lang, Lensch, Seidel | 2002 | Tutorial notes ACM SM 02: a framework for the acquisition, processing and interactive display of high quality 3D models |
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