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More Realistic Scheduling Models and Analyses for Advanced Real-Time Embedded Systems

Georg von der Brueggen
TU Dortmund
SWS Colloquium
AG 1, AG 2, AG 3, INET, AG 4, AG 5, SWS, RG1, MMCI  
AG Audience

Date, Time and Location

Thursday, 22 November 2018
60 Minutes


In real-time embedded systems, for each task the compliance to timing
constraints has to be guaranteed in addition to the functional
correctness. The first part of the talk considers the theoretical
comparison of scheduling algorithms and schedulability tests by evaluating
speedup factors for non-preemptive scheduling, which leads to a
discussion about general problems of resource augmentation bounds. In
addition, it is explained how utilization bounds can be parametrized,
resulting in better bounds for specific scenarios, i.e., when analyzing
non-preemptive Rate-Monotonic scheduling as well as task sets inspired by
automotive applications.

In the second part, a setting similar to mixed-criticality systems is
considered and the criticism on previous work in this area is detailed.
Hence, a new system model that allows a better applicability to realistic
scenarios, namely Systems with Dynamic Real-Time Guarantees, is explained.
This model is extended to a multiprocessor scenario, considering CPU
overheating as a possible cause for mixed-criticality behaviour. Finally,
a way to determine the deadline-miss probability for such systems is
described that drastically reduces the runtime of such calculations.

The third part discusses tasks with self-suspension behaviour, explains a
fixed-relative-deadline strategy for segmented self-suspension tasks with
one suspension interval, and details how this approach can be exploited in
a resource-oriented partitioned scheduling. Furthermore, it is explained
how the gap between the dynamic and the segmented self-suspension model
can be bridged by hybrid models.


Mouna Litz
--email hidden

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Susanne Girard, 11/14/2018 12:56
Mouna Litz, 11/08/2018 09:55 -- Created document.