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Event Entry

New for: D3

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Arc-Disjoint Paths in Expander Digraphs

Alan Frieze
Carnegie Mellon University
AG1 Mittagsseminar (own work)
AG 1, AG 2, AG 3, AG 4  
AG Audience

Date, Time and Location

Friday, 1 June 2001
45 Minutes


Volker Priebe
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Tags, Category, Keywords and additional notes

Given a digraph $D=(V,A)$ and a set of $k$ pairs of vertices in $V$, we

are interested in finding for each pair $(x_i, y_i)$, a directed path
connecting $x_i$ to $y_i$, such that the set of $k$ paths so found is
arc-disjoint. For arbitrary graphs the problem is ${\cal NP}$-complete,
even for $k=2$.

We present a polynomial time randomized algorithm for finding
arc-disjoint paths in an $r$-regular expander digraph $D$. We show
that if $D$ has sufficiently strong expansion properties and $r$
is sufficiently large then {\em all} sets of $k=\Omega(n/\log n)$
pairs of vertices can be joined. This is within a constant factor
of best possible.

This is joint work with Tom Bohman