Campus Event Calendar

Event Entry

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Characterizing the Easy-to-Find Subgraphs from the Viewpoint of Polynomial-Time Algorithms, Kernels, and Turing Kernels

Bart Jansen
TU Eindhoven
AG1 Mittagsseminar (own work)
AG 1, MMCI  
AG Audience

Date, Time and Location

Tuesday, 7 October 2014
30 Minutes
E1 4


We study two fundamental problems related to finding subgraphs: given graphs G and H, test whether H is isomorphic to a subgraph of G, or determine the maximum number of vertex-disjoint H-subgraphs that can be packed in G. We investigate these problems when the graph H belongs to a fixed hereditary family F. Our goal is to study which classes F make the two problems tractable in one of the following senses: (a) (randomized) polynomial-time solvable, (b) admits a polynomial (many-one) kernel (that is, has a polynomial-time preprocessing procedure that creates an equivalent instance whose size is polynomially bounded by the size of the solution), or (c) admits a polynomial Turing kernel (that is, has an adaptive polynomial-time procedure that reduces the problem to a polynomial number of instances, each of which has size bounded polynomially by the size of the solution). In an informal board talk I will present the context for our investigations, the concrete results we obtained, and sketch some of the technical ideas that are involved. This is joint work with Daniel Marx and will be presented at SODA 2015 in January.


Erik Jan van Leeuwen
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Erik Jan van Leeuwen, 10/02/2014 16:36
Erik Jan van Leeuwen, 09/19/2014 15:49 -- Created document.