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New for: D3

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Hamilton cycles in the random geometric graph

Xavier Pérez Giménez
Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik - D1
AG1 Mittagsseminar (own work)
AG 1, AG 3, AG 5, SWS, AG 4, RG1, MMCI  
AG Audience

Date, Time and Location

Tuesday, 29 March 2011
30 Minutes
E1 4


Random geometric graphs constitute an important family of random graphs in which vertices are scattered at random over some domain and edges are placed between any two vertices within a given distance. These graphs have recently attracted the attention of many researchers, as they provide a theoretical model for some types of wireless networks. In particular, there have been several authors studying the existence of Hamilton cycles in a random geometric graph. In this talk, we survey some of these works along with some related results.


Xavier Perez Gimenez
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Xavier Perez Gimenez, 03/22/2011 17:14 -- Created document.