Campus Event Calendar

Event Entry

What and Who

Enterprise Aspects of Workflow Technology

Frank Leymann
IBM Deutschland GmbH, German Software Development Lab
AG 1, AG 2, AG 3, INET, AG 4, AG 5, D6, RG1, SWS  
AG Audience

Date, Time and Location

Friday, 17 November 95
60 Minutes
27 - Hörsaal Gebäude


In this talk we first give an introduction to workflow management,
with examples from IBM FlowMark. Next, we discuss the relation of
workflow and object technology, and outline a new applicaction
paradigm (workflow based applications) with an associated development
environment. Finally, we relate workflow and transaction technology
and motivate workflow management systems as the next-generation
transaction management systems.

About the speaker:

Dr. Frank Leymann is an IBM Senior Technical Staff Member (STSM) and a
member of the IBM Academy of Technology. He is the chief-architect of
IBM's workflow management system FlowMark.

Prior to IBM he studied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy, and received
a M.Sc. (Dipl.Math., 1982) and a Ph.D. (Dr.rer.nat., 1984), both in
Mathematics. When joining IBM in 1984 he started as a system programmer and
database programmer. Next, he was responsible as a team leader for the
development of a nonstandard DBMS. Then, he worked out an architecture and
a meta model for workflow management systems. After having worked on
enterprise modelling, repositories, database extensions and object oriented
database systems, he is now active in the area of database tools, workflow
management, and advanced transaction processing.

His responsibilities include FlowMark's overall architecture and
technological directions. Currently, his special interest is on database
and recovery aspects of workflow management systems, and on the relation
of workflow technology and object technology.

Dr. Leymann published papers in various journals and conference proceedings
on subjects like relational database theory, universal relation model,
hybrid DBMSs, DBMS architectures, meta modelling, workflow management,
object technology, and transaction models; also, he is coauthor of a
textbook on repositories. In addition, he holds a couple of patents on
technologies related to some of these areas. He gave numerous talks,
presentations, and tutorials on conferences and for professional societies.
Since 1990 he is a university lecturer for "databases". From 1992 to 1993
he was the IBM representative in the ProSTEP database workgroup, and since
1991 he is a member of the German standards committee DIN NI21.3 (IRDS,


Gerhard Weikum
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