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On Online Algorithms with Advice for the k-Server Problem

Marc Renault
LIAFA, Paris
AG 1  
AG Audience

Date, Time and Location

Wednesday, 4 April 2012
30 Minutes
E1 4


Traditionally, online algorithms receive their input piece by piece and all actions for a given piece of the input must be performed before the next piece is received. That is, that an online algorithm must make a decision for the current piece of the input without knowledge of the future. Competitive analysis, the ratio between the performance of an online algorithm and an optimal algorithm with full knowledge of the future, is used to analyze online algorithms.

One of the most studied online problems is the k-Server Problem which consists of a metric space, k mobile servers and a request sequence, where each request is for a node of the metric space. At the time of the request, if a node is not covered, one of the k servers must be moved to the node. The goal is to minimize the distance traveled by the k servers over the entire request sequence.

Emek, Fraigniaud, Korman and Rosen (ICALP 2009) presented a model of online computation with advice, where, along with each request, an algorithm has access to a quantified amount of information about the future. We present an algorithm that is \lceil(log k)\rceil/(b-1)\rceil, where 3 <= b <= log k, which improves on previous results. More importantly, we present an algorithm and analysis that is more intuitive and simpler than previous ones. Further, we give a 1-competitive algorithm with 2+2\lceil(log p + 1)\rceil bits of advice, where p is the caterpillar dimension of the tree. Lastly, we present an optimal algorithm for the line with 1 bit of advice.


Rob van Stee
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Rob van Stee, 03/30/2012 12:59
Rob van Stee, 03/26/2012 10:58 -- Created document.