Campus Event Calendar

Event Entry

What and Who

Interfering with proteins - statistical challenges of functional cellular assays

Wolfgang Huber
AG 1, AG 2, AG 3, AG 4, AG 5  
MPI Audience

Date, Time and Location

Tuesday, 13 July 2004
-- Not specified --
46.1 - MPII


Systematic cell-based functional assays are a new high-throughput technology
that consist of a system to willfully manipulate the expression level of one
or a certain set of genes in cells, a means to monitor the perturbation,
and a
means to monitor the effect of the perturbation. This can be the
expression or
activation state of another protein, detectable by specific antibodies
with a
fluorescent tag, or morphological changes in the cells. The perturbation can
be caused by overexpression (transfection) or knock-down (RNAi).

The data are interesting as a basis for causally implicating genes and
proteins with pathways or with phenotypes. Measurements are quantitative and
can be obtained on single cells, in large numbers.

The talk will give an overview over the technology, statistical problems of
the 'low-level' interpretation of the data, and mathematical modeling
challenges in integrating them with other sources of information such as
microarray studies.


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Ruth Schneppen-Christmann, 07/07/2004 14:11 -- Created document.