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Type-theoretic interpretations of proof search

Lincoln Wallen
AG 1, AG 2, AG 3, AG 4, AG 5, SWS  
AG Audience

Date, Time and Location

Tuesday, 23 September 97
-- Not specified --


The combinatorics of proof-search in classical propositional logic
lies at the heart of most efficient proof procedures because the
logic admits least-commitment search. The key to extending such
methods to quantifiers and non-classical connectives is the problem
of recovering this least-commitment principle in the context of the
non-classical/non-propositional logic; i.e., characterizing when a
least-commitment classical search yields sufficient evidence for
provability in the non-classical logic.

As a prelude to studying these embedings in depth, a type-theoretic
interpretation of search in the classical sequent calculus has been
developed based on an extension of Michel Parigot's lambda-mu-calculus
for free deduction. This system provides a type-theoretic view of
the basic system of evidence for any matrix characterisation of a
non-classical logic.

I shall present the system of realisers, prove strong normalisation
properties, and show how to interpret the classical sequent calculus
in it. To illustrate the use of the system for a non-classical logic
I shall show how to characterise provability in intuitionistic logic
using the classical realisers.

This is a report on joint work with Eike Ritter (Birmingham) and David
Pym (Queen Mary and Westfield College, London).


Uwe Waldmann
(0681) 9325-227
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Vortragswuensche fuer das Logikseminar bitte an Uwe Waldmann, MPI,
Tel.: (0681) 9325-227, uni-intern: 92227

Uwe Brahm, 04/12/2007 12:43 -- Created document.