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Online scheduling of jobs with fixed start times on related machines

Rob van Stee
Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik - D1
AG1 Mittagsseminar (own work)
AG 1, MMCI  
AG Audience

Date, Time and Location

Friday, 7 September 2012
30 Minutes
E1 5


We consider online preemptive throughput scheduling of jobs with fixed starting times on m uniformly related machines, with the goal of maximizing the profi t of the completed jobs. In this problem, jobs are released over time. Every job has a size and a weight associated with it. A newly released job must be either assigned to start running immediately on a machine or otherwise it is dropped. It is also possible to drop an already scheduled job, but only completed

jobs contribute their weights to the profi t of the algorithm.

In the most general setting, no algorithm has bounded competitive ratio, and we consider a number of standard variants. We give a full classifi cation of the variants into cases which admit constant competitive ratio (weighted and unweighted unit jobs, and C-benevolent instances, which is a wide class of instances containing proportional-weight jobs), and cases which admit only a linear competitive ratio (unweighted jobs and D-benevolent instances). In particular, we give a lower bound of m on the competitive ratio for scheduling unit weight jobs with varying sizes, which is tight. For unit size and weight we show that a natural greedy algorithm is
4/3-competitive and optimal on m = 2 machines, while for a large m, its competitive ratio is between 1.56 and 2. Furthermore, no algorithm is better than 1.5-competitive.


Rob van Stee
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Rob van Stee, 09/04/2012 13:48
Rob van Stee, 09/04/2012 10:12 -- Created document.