Campus Event Calendar

Event Entry

What and Who

A Probabilistic PTAS for Shortest Common Superstring

Kai Plociennik
TU Chemnitz
AG 1, AG 4, RG1, MMCI, AG 3, AG 5  
AG Audience

Date, Time and Location

Monday, 8 June 2009
60 Minutes
E1 3 - CS
HS 002


In the talk, we present a new result on approximation algorithms for the shortest common superstring problem (SCS). It is well-known that there is a constant f>1 such that there is no efficient approximation algorithm for SCS achieving a factor of at most f in the worst case, unless P=NP. We study SCS on random inputs and present an approximation scheme that achieves, for every \eps>0, (1+\eps)-approximation in expected polynomial time. This result applies not only if the letters are chosen independently at random, but also to the more realistic mixing model, which allows dependencies among the letters of the random strings. Our result is based on a sharp tail bound on the optimal compression, which improves a previous result by Frieze and Szpankowski.


Bodo Manthey
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gk-sek, 06/03/2009 13:37
gk-sek, 06/03/2009 09:22
gk-sek, 06/03/2009 09:20 -- Created document.