Campus Event Calendar

Event Entry

What and Who

A 3-approximation algorithm for the k-level uncapacitated facility location problem

Soeren Laue
Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik - AG 1
AG1 Mittagsseminar (others' work)
AG 1, AG 2, AG 3, AG 4, AG 5  
AG Audience

Date, Time and Location

Thursday, 3 November 2005
45 Minutes
46.1 - MPII
Rotunda 3rd floor


After the summer break, the review seminar (where one talks about an interesting paper one has read) starts again. The talk abstract for next week:

Abstract: In the k-level uncapacitated facility location problem, we are
given a set of clients and a set of facilities each having a specified
level. Each client has to be serviced by a sequence/path of k different
facilities, one from each level. There is a positive fixed cost for
setting up a facility, and a per unit cost of shipping goods between
each pair of locations. The distances are all non-negative and satisfy
the triangle inequality. We look for a solution with minimal cost where
all demands of the clients are met.
A 3-approximation algorithm is presented.


Nabil H. Mustafa
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Soeren Laue, 11/02/2005 17:26
Nabil H. Mustafa, 10/28/2005 11:34
Nabil H. Mustafa, 10/28/2005 08:46 -- Created document.