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Generating instructional texts in Bulgarian, Czech and Russian: The AGILE system

Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova
(Charles University, Prague / University of Edinburgh)
Computerlinguistisches Kolloquium
AG 1, AG 2, AG 3, AG 4  
AG Audience

Date, Time and Location

Monday, 18 December 2000
-- Not specified --
17.3 - Computerlinguistik
Raum 2.11


In this talk we present a multilingual text generation system in the
domain of CAD/CAM software instructions for Bulgarian, Czech and
Russian that has been developed in the Copernicus-Project AGILE
(Automatic Generation of Instructions in Languages of Eastern Europe).

Starting from a language-independent semantic representation, the
system drafts natural, continuous texts in different styles as
typically found in software manuals. The core modules of strategic and
tactical generation are implemented using the Komet-Penman
MultiLingual (KPML) system, which is a platform for multilingual
grammatical resource development and generation.

In the talk we describe the prominent characteristics of the AGILE
system, focusing on its implementation of multilinguality (which
allows maximal sharing of resources across languages and leaves room
for language-specific requirements at the same time) and its
implementation of styles or genres of instructional texts.


Werner Saurer
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