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"Secure Publishing using Role Based Access Control Policies for Fragments of XML Documents"

Tomasz Müldner
Acadia University, NS, Canada
AG 1, AG 2, AG 3, AG 4, AG 5, SWS, RG1, RG2  
AG Audience

Date, Time and Location

Wednesday, 18 June 2008
60 Minutes
E1 4
room 21


Recent implementations of secure publishing uses read-only, rolebased

access control policies (ACPs) for sharing fragments of XML

documents and disseminates a single document encrypted with

multiple cryptographic keys in such a way that the stated policies

are enforced. This talk describes two techniques useful for such


In the first part, I will describe role-based ACPs defined at the

schema level . Since secure publishing uses “similar” documents, i.e.

documents based on a selected schema, a standard implementation

of ACPs will incur a high cost of generating keys separately for each

document. However, secure publishing uses a fixed number of

schemas, and keys can be generated (or even pre-generated) only

once, and then reused in all documents valid for the given schema.

The main advantage of our approach is that the minimal set of keys

required to enforce an arbitrary access control policy is generated

only once, at the schema level, and then reused to limit access to

any documents, which are valid with respect to that schema. I will

also describe an efficient, single-pass technique for encrypting

instance documents in a manner that disguises the original

structure of hidden sub-trees, while guaranteeing that each

document node is encrypted at most once, along with

accompanying methods enabling document-level decryption.

In the second part, I will describe an extension of the role-based

ACP model to include role parameterization , in order to address the

problem of role proliferation, which can occur in large scale

systems. I will also describe algorithms for generating the minimum

number of keys required to enforce an arbitrary PRBAC policy; for

distributing to each user only keys needed for decrypting accessible

nodes; and for applying the minimal number of encryption

operations to an XML document required to satisfy the protection

requirements of the policy.


Bettina Balthasar
--email hidden
passcode not visible
logged in users only

Brigitta Hansen, 06/16/2008 11:45 -- Created document.