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Event Entry

What and Who

Solvers for Software Reliability and Security

Vijay Ganesh
SWS Colloquium

Dr. Vijay Ganesh is a Research Scientist at MIT since 2007. He
completed his PhD in computer science from Stanford University in
September 2007. He also has an MS in computer science from Stanford
University, and a Bachelor of Technology degree from College of
Engineering, Trivandrum, India.

His primary research interests are constraint solvers (SAT/SMT
solvers), and their applications to software reliability, computer
security and biology. He works on both the theory and practice of
constraint solvers. He has designed and implemented several constraint
solvers, most notably, STP and HAMPI. STP was one of the first solvers
to enable an exciting new testing technique called systematic dynamic
testing (or concolic testing). STP has been used in more than 100
research projects relating to software reliability and computer
security. More recently he designed another solver, HAMPI, aimed at
solving string constraints generated by the analysis of PHP,
JavaScript and Perl programs. His paper on HAMPI won the ACM
Distinguished Paper Award (2009). STP was the co-winner of the SMTCOMP
competition for bit-vector solvers in 2006. Dr. Ganesh has also done
research in automated software testing, in particular, whitebox
SWS, RG1  
AG Audience

Date, Time and Location

Thursday, 22 July 2010
90 Minutes


The task of building reliable and secure software remains one of the
most important and challenging issues in computer science. In recent
years, there has been rapid progress in the scalability and
effectiveness of software reliability tools. A key reason for this
success is the dramatic improvement in the speed of constraint solvers
over the last decade. Constraint solvers are essential components of
most software reliability tools, whether they are based on formal
methods, program analysis, testing or synthesis. My research on
constraint solvers has directly contributed to this trend of
increasing solver efficiency and expressive power, thus advancing the
state-of-the-art in software reliability research.

In this talk, I will present two solvers that I have designed and
implemented, namely, STP and HAMPI. I will talk about the techniques
that enable STP and HAMPI to scale, and also some theoretical
results. I will also talk about the contexts and applications where
each solver is best suited.

STP is a solver for the theory of bit-vectors and arrays. STP was one
of the first constraint solvers to enable an exciting new testing
technique called Dynamic Systematic Testing (aka Concolic
Testing). STP-enabled concolic testers have been used to find hundreds
of previously unknown bugs in Unix utilities, OS kernels, media
players, and commercial software, some with approximately a million
lines of code.

Next, I will describe HAMPI, a solver for a rich theory of equality
over bounded string variables, bounded regular expressions, and
context-free grammars. Constraints in this theory are generated by
analysis of string-manipulating programs. HAMPI has been used to find
many unknown SQL injection vulnerabilities in applications with more
than 100,000 lines of PHP code using static and dynamic analysis.

Finally, I will conclude my talk with two future research
programs. First, I will discuss how faster solvers can enable
qualitatively novel approaches to software reliability. Second, I will
discuss how we can go from specific solver techniques to solver design
paradigms for rich logics.


Claudia Richter
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Rose Hoberman, 07/16/2010 16:34
Claudia Richter, 07/14/2010 15:54 -- Created document.