Campus Event Calendar

Event Entry

What and Who

Real-time control of multi server transport systems with reoptimization algorithms

Philipp Friese
Konrad Zuse Zentrum Berlin
AG 1  
AG Audience

Date, Time and Location

Wednesday, 11 February 2004
45 Minutes
46.1 - MPII


Examples of multi server transport systems are fleets of unguided

vehicles such as elevator systems within internal logistic systems.
Most of these systems have to be controlled online and in real-time.
This leads to so called Online-Multi-Vehicle-Dial-A-Ride-Problems with
different side constraints and cost structures. Reoptimization
algorithms for such problems use the optimal solution of a related
combinatorial offline optimization problem to determine a plan for the
control at any time. Thereby, the development of fast and efficient
offline algorithms plays an important role in producing solutions of
high quality in real time. A parametrized reoptimization algorithm
based on integer programming and dynamical column generation will be
discussed in this talk. At the end, current simulation results of an
elevator system will be presented.


Martin Skutella
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Tags, Category, Keywords and additional notes

online optimization, reoptimization algorithms, column generation, simulation

Martin Skutella, 02/09/2004 12:50
Martin Skutella, 02/05/2004 14:42 -- Created document.