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PhD Application Talk: Matrix factorization for the Link Prediction Problem

Constantin Comendant
PhD Application Talk
AG 1, AG 2, AG 3, AG 4, AG 5, SWS, RG1, MMCI  
MPI Audience

Date, Time and Location

Friday, 14 October 2011
120 Minutes
E1 4


Real-world entities usually appear in groups, inside which certain relations emerge and can be observed, and are best modeled by graphs, where nodes represent the entities in question and edges model the relation. Yet these networks are not static, but instead their structure evolves as the time advances –  new links between individual pairs of nodes appear, get stronger or weaker or disappear.

The problem of link prediction has received significant attention from the research community and a number of interesting approaches have been proposed. After a review of the state of the art we present a novel method based on extrapolation in the Lie-algebra of matrices, which, to the best of our knowledge, is the first attempt to apply it in this context. Interpolation in Lie-algebra is widely used in many areas (e.g. Computer Graphics, Robotics and Computer Vision) and can be considered a mature technology, however due to the nature of adjacency matrices cannot be applied to them directly.
We compare our method's performance to two state-of-the-art approaches – Supervised Learning and Spectral Growth Model – on both synthetic (generated by common graph models) and real-world networks (built from author collaboration information of papers) and examine directions for future work.


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Please note: The talks will take place in random order!

Heike Przybyl, 10/11/2011 15:50 -- Created document.