Campus Event Calendar

Event Entry

What and Who

Privacy and forensics in federated distributed systems

Andreas Haeberlen
University of Pennsylvania
SWS Colloquium

Andreas is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the University
of Pennsylvania. His research interests include distributed systems,
networking, social networks, and security. Prior to joining UPenn,
Andreas did his doctoral research at the MPI-SWS.  This year, he received
the Otto Hahn Medal of the Max Planck Society for his research on accountability.
SWS, RG1  
Expert Audience

Date, Time and Location

Tuesday, 15 June 2010
60 Minutes
E1 5
5th floor


In this talk, I will describe two of my ongoing projects, one on
collaborative security and the other on secure network provenance.

Collaborative security is an approach to fighting security threats
that span many different administrative domains. For example, it is
often difficult for Internet service providers to detect botnets
because each domain can locally observe only a small part of the
botnet; however, exchanging information across domains is challenging
because of privacy concerns. We are working on a system that enables
domains to share information in a controlled fashion. Each domain
establishes a 'privacy budget' and allows other domains to ask queries
in a special language; the 'privacy cost' of each query is inferred
automatically and deducted from the budget. This is accomplished through
a combination of type systems and differential privacy.

Secure network provenance (SNP) is a technique for answering forensic
questions about distributed systems in which some nodes have been
compromised by an adversary. Each node maintains a record of past
states and the (local or remote) causes of state transitions. Thus, if
the symptoms of an intrusion are observed, it is possible to trace them
back to their root causes or, conversely, to determine how an intrusion
on one node has affected other nodes.


Brigitta Hansen
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Brigitta Hansen, 06/11/2010 10:39 -- Created document.