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PhD Application Talk: Approximation of the Minimum Spanning Tree of Set of Points in the Hausdorff Metric.

Victor Alvarez
AG 1, AG 2, AG 3, AG 4, AG 5, SWS, RG1, RG2  
MPI Audience

Date, Time and Location

Monday, 29 October 2007
90 Minutes
E1 4


Let P be a set of points in a d-dimensional space and let 0< e < 1 a given parameter. We will show that is not possible in general to find a subset Q' of P of size independent of |P| such that: |MST(Q')| >= (1 - e)|MST(P)|. Where |MST(P)| denotes the weight of the euclidean minimum spanning tree of P. On the positive side, we will show the existence of a subset Q of P such that its size is independent of the size of P and such that a spanning tree ST(Q) and MST(P) are close in the Hausdorff metric, that is, they look essentially equal. This might have applications in Image Comparison, Pattern Recognition and actually gives a way to compress MST(P) as the space required to store ST(Q) is independent of |P|. Further, we also give possible approaches to compute such a spanning tree ST(Q) and therefore Q under any given fixed metric Lp, 1 <= p <= infty, and any fixed dimension d.


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Lourdes Lara-Tapia, 10/26/2007 19:02 -- Created document.