Campus Event Calendar

Event Entry

New for: D1, D2, D3, D4, D5

What and Who

Some Models for Rational Interactions in Multiagent domains

B. Chaib-draa
Laval University, Quebec City, Canada
AG 1, AG 2, AG 3, AG 4, AG 5, SWS  
AG Audience

Date, Time and Location

Thursday, 26 June 97
-- Not specified --
43.1 - DFKI


This talk will present our agent architecture
based on the skill, rule and knowledge
(S-R-K) taxonomy of Rasmussen. This architecture supports
these three levels because complex tasks combined with
complex interactions require all levels. However, the lower
skill-based and rule-based levels are more propositious for
coordination than the higher knowledge-based level.
To permit agents to rely on low levels, the following suggestion
is developed: agents are provided with social
laws so as to guarantee coordination between agents and minimize
the need for calling a central coordinator or for engaging in
negotiation which requires intense communication.

This talk will also detail the issue of using
Causal Maps (CMs) at the higher knowledge-based
level of our architecture. Firstly, we will explain
how causal reasoning provides a foundation to 1) test a model
about the prediction of how agents will respond to (expected or not)
events; 2) explain how agents have done specific actions;
3) make a decision in a distributed environment; 4) analyze
and compare the agents' causal representations. All these aspects
are important for coordination, conflict solving and the emergence
of cooperation between agents.
Then, we will present a formal model for CMs with a precise
semantics based on relation algebra. Finally, we will explain
how to use this formal model by means of some examples.

We will finish this talk by sketching some aspects of our ongoing
research, particulary: (1) agents as logical systems;
(2) belief revision in multiagent environment and, (3) speech and
discursive acts.


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Sekretariat Prof. J. Siekmann

Agnes Back Tel.: (++49) 681 302 5276
DFKI GmbH Fax : (++49) 681 302 5341
Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3
66123 Saarbruecken

Uwe Brahm, 04/12/2007 12:48 -- Created document.