Campus Event Calendar

Event Entry

What and Who

Analysis of Square Free Algebraic Plane Curves

Michael Kerber
AG 1, AG 2, AG 3, AG 4, AG 5, SWS  
AG Audience

Date, Time and Location

Monday, 10 July 2006
330 Minutes
E1 4


We give a solution for the transformation of an algebraic plane curve
into a combinatorial graph where edges correspond to x-monotone segments
of the curve (curve analysis). The approach is exact in the sense that
it preserves the topology of the curve.
By combining exact and approximated calculations, our algorithm improves
the state-of-the-art solutions without sacrifying exactness. Although
certain genericity conditions are used during the analysis, we do not
impose any condition on the input curve and can therefore handle all
sorts of degeneracy.
My talk concentrates on how (controlled) approximation can be used to
speed up the analysis under the assumption of a generic position for the
curve.Analysing algebraic plane curves means to deduce various geometric
properties, such as locating singularities, counting incident arcs etc.
My talk explains how genericity conditions simplify the curve analysis
and how to transfer this techniques to arbitrary algebraic curves.


Kerstin Kathy Meyer-Ross
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Jennifer Gerling, 07/07/2006 12:27
Jennifer Gerling, 07/03/2006 09:26
Jennifer Gerling, 06/26/2006 12:00 -- Created document.