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Applications of a polyhedral version of Sperner's Lemma

Julia Pap
Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik - D1
AG 1  
AG Audience

Date, Time and Location

Monday, 7 April 2014
60 Minutes
E1 4


Sperner's Lemma states the existence of a multicoloured triangle in certain kinds of colorings of triangulations. It's connection to topology is well-known: Brouwer's fixed-point theorem for example can be derived from it. In this talk we investigate a different kind of applications. First we state a version of Sperner's Lemma in which we color the vertices of an n-dimensional polyhedron - and we can get another version by polarizing. We show how this latter statement can lead to short proofs of a variety of results in combinatorics and game theory. For example, the theorem of Boros and Gurvich, that perfect graphs are kernel-solvable, or results about stable matchings and their generalizations. We also show that these polyhedral versions of Sperner's Lemma are PPAD-complete, and pose some open questions. Joint work with Tamás Király.


Natalia Klein
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Ingrid Finkler, 04/04/2014 10:50
Natalia Klein, 04/02/2014 10:42 -- Created document.