Campus Event Calendar

Event Entry

New for: D2, D3

What and Who

Limitations on Provable Security, and Beyond

Dominique Schröder
University of Maryland
AG 1, AG 3, AG 5, SWS, AG 2, AG 4, RG1, MMCI  
AG Audience

Date, Time and Location

Tuesday, 7 June 2011
45 Minutes
E1 4


Proofs by reduction play a central role in modern cryptography as they mathematically prove that a cryptographic construction is secure in a model under certain assumptions. While many positive results are known, such as the construction of signature schemes from one-way functions, negative results show that current (black-box) techniques are not sufficient. This line of research was initiated by Impagliazzo and Rudich showing in their seminal work that there exists a black-box separation between primitives (STOC 89). The authors separate one-way functions from key exchange.

In this talk, I ask the question of how to bypass impossibility results. The focus in this talk is on my own the impossibility result that rules out a large class of three-move blind signatures in the standard model (EUROCRYPT '10). The result shows that finding security proofs for the well-known blind signature schemes by Chaum, and by Pointcheval and Stern in the standard model via black-box reductions is hard. Then, I show how to bypass this impossibility result presenting the first round-optimal, i.e., two-move, blind signature scheme in the standard model. This positive result (CRYPTO '11) proves not only the existence of round optimal blind signatures, but it is also a positive example of a scenario in which known impossibility results for concurrently-secure two-party computation (Lindell, STOC '03, TCC '04) can be avoided to achieve meaningful game-based security definitions.


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