Campus Event Calendar

Event Entry

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What and Who

Byzantine Fault-Tolerance and Beyond

Jean-Philippe Martin
University of Texas at Austin
SWS Colloquium
Jean-Philippe Martin is a Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Computer Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin. He has a M.S. and received his B.S in Computer Sciences from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL). His main research interests are trustworthy systems, Byzantine fault-tolerance, and cooperative systems. His papers on cooperative services (SOSP'05) and fast Byzantine consensus (DSN'05) were recognized as some of the best papers at these conferences and were selected for publication in a journal.
AG 1, AG 2, AG 3, AG 4, AG 5, SWS  
Expert Audience

Date, Time and Location

Monday, 24 April 2006
-- Not specified --


Computer systems should be trustworthy in the sense that they should reliably answer requests from legitimate users and protect confidential information from unauthorized users. Building this kind of systems is challenging, even more so in the increasingly common case where control is split between multiple administrative domains.

Byzantine fault tolerance techniques can elegantly provide reliability without overly increasing the complexity of the system and have recently earned the attention of the system community. In the first part this talk I discuss some of the contributions I have made toward practical Byzantine fault tolerance---in particular, how to reduce the cost of replication and how to reconcile replication with confidentiality. In the second part of the talk I argue that Byzantine fault-tolerance alone is not sufficient to deal with cooperative services under multiple administrative domain, where nodes may deviate from their specification not just because they are broken or compromised, but also because they are selfish. To address this challenge, I propose BAR, a new failure model that combines concepts from Byzantine fault-tolerance and Game Theory. I will describe BAR, present an architecture for building BAR services, and briefly discuss BAR-B, a BAR-tolerant cooperative backup system.


Brigitta Hansen
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Carina Schmitt, 05/10/2006 11:24
Brigitta Hansen, 04/12/2006 13:21
Brigitta Hansen, 04/12/2006 13:20 -- Created document.