Campus Event Calendar

Event Entry

What and Who

A Lagrangian Relaxation Approach for the Multiple Sequence Alignment Problem

Stefan Canzar
Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik - D1
AG1 Mittagsseminar (own work)
AG 1, AG 3  
AG Audience

Date, Time and Location

Wednesday, 8 August 2007
30 Minutes
E1 4


The multiple sequence alignment problem (MSA) is one of the most important

problems in computational biology. A branch-and-bound (bb) algorithm will
be presented in which the upper bound at each bb node is based on a Lagrangian
relaxation of an integer linear programming formulation for MSA. Dualizing certain
inequalities, the Lagrangian subproblem becomes a pairwise alignment problem, which
can be solved efficiently by a dynamic programming approach. Due to a reformulation
w.r.t. additionally introduced variables prior to relaxation we improve the convergence
rate dramatically while at the same time being able to solve the Lagrangian problem efficiently.


Stefan Canzar
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Deepak Ajwani, 08/03/2007 16:43 -- Created document.