Campus Event Calendar

Event Entry

What and Who

Lattice Rescoring and Log-Linear System Combination

Andre Altmann
AG 1, AG 2, AG 3, AG 4, AG 5  
AG Audience

Date, Time and Location

Thursday, 8 September 2005
-- Not specified --
46.1 - MPII


Lattice-Based System Combination is a method to reduce the recognition errors of large vocabulary speech recognition systems. To achieve a reduction in the "word error rate" a combination of different recognition systems is performed. The combination will be carried out at the level of so-called word lattices. A word lattice stores word sequences that are considered by the recognizer during the decision process. An initial recognizer is used to generate theses lattices. The other systems will be applied in the form of a "lattice rescoring". This results in a set of lattices with the same structure but with different scores at the arcs.

In the standard approach the recognized word sequence is represented by the best scoring path in the word lattice. Within the presented approach, the recognized word sequence is determined by the best scoring path in a log-linear combination of the word lattices for every system.
Since the influence of the applied systems is crucial for the success of this method. Discriminative methods are utilized to estimate weights for each system. These weights are used to handle the effect of the individual systems on the final result.


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Ruth Schneppen-Christmann, 09/05/2005 10:31 -- Created document.