Campus Event Calendar

Event Entry

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Scoring Gene Ontology Terms: From a Gene List to Biological Function

Adrian Alexa
AG 1, AG 2, AG 3, AG 4, AG 5  
AG Audience

Date, Time and Location

Thursday, 17 November 2005
-- Not specified --
45 - FR 6.2 (E1 3)


The result of a typical microarray experiment is a long list of genes with corresponding
expression measurements. This list is only the starting point for a meaningful biological
interpretation. Modern methods identify important biological processes or functions from
gene expression data by scoring the relevance of predefined functional gene groups, for
example based on Gene Ontology. We present two novel algorithms that improve GO group
scoring using the underlying GO graph topology. The algorithms are evaluated both on real
and on simulated gene expression data. Both methods eliminate local dependencies between GO
terms, thus pointing to additional significant areas in the GO graph for further biological
investigation. A simulation study demonstrates that the new methods exhibit a higher level
of detecting relevant biological terms than previously available competing methods.


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Veronika Weinand, 11/14/2005 12:41
Veronika Weinand, 10/19/2005 13:11
Veronika Weinand, 10/19/2005 13:08 -- Created document.