Campus Event Calendar

Event Entry

What and Who

"Boosting Database Replication through Snapshot Isolation"

Ricardo Jimenez-Peris
TU Madrid
SWS Colloquium

SWS, RG1  
AG Audience

Date, Time and Location

Thursday, 13 November 2008
60 Minutes
E1 5
rotunda 6th floor


Database replication has received a lot of attention during the last decade.
This wave of research has concentrated on how to obtain scalable database
replication. This talk will be devoted to the most recent advances on how
to attain scalable database replication contributed by the Distributed
Systems Lab (LSD)
at Universidad Politenica de Madrid. It will address the most important
bottlenecks that limit
scalability such as isolation level, degree of replication, recovery,
and engineering issues.
The talk will cover techniques to overcome these bottlenecks.
Special emphasis will be put on the role of snapshot isolation as enabling
factor of large scalability to overcome the scalability limit of
The talk will also cover other techniques building upon snapshot isolation
to overcome other scalability bottlenecks such as partial replication.


Brigitta Hansen
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Brigitta Hansen, 11/06/2008 14:45 -- Created document.