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Title: Protein Structure and Function Prediction of the Machado-Joseph Disease Gene Product Ataxin-3
Albrecht, Mario (1); Schnaible, Volker (2); Hoffmann, Daniel (2); Evert, Bernd O. (3); Schmitt, Ina (3); Wüllner, Ullrich (3); Lengauer, Thomas (1)
(1) Max-Planck-Institute for Informatics; (2) Caesar, Bonn; (3) Department of Neurobiology, University of Bonn

Spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3) is a polyglutamine disorder caused by a CAG repeat expansion in the coding region of a gene encoding the protein ataxin-3. We performed a comprehensive computational analysis of carefully selected homologous proteins in order to propose a structural model and structure-based functions for ataxin-3. We describe some of our findings and verifying lab experiments. Since important work of our predictive strategy could be accomplished solely manually, we further outline necessary improvements of automatic structure prediction methods.
[1] M. Albrecht, D. Hoffmann, B.O. Evert, I. Schmitt, U. Wüllner, T. Lengauer: Structural Modelling of Ataxin-3 reveals distant homology to adaptins, to appear in Proteins: Structure, function and Genetics (2002-)