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Title: BRENDA - the Enzyme and Metabolic Information System
Schomburg, D.; Schomburg, I.; Chang, A.; Hofmann, O.; Ebeling, C.; Ehrentreich, F.,
Universität Köln

BRENDA (BRaunschweiger ENzyme DAtabase) is a comprehensive protein function database, containing enzymatic and metabolic information and has been developed to provide a tool in the field of bioinformatics to understand biological functions and the biochemistry of the cell. The retrieval of functional parameters, suitable data collections and genome information are the prerequisites for the simulation and construction of whole metabolic paths and networks.

BRENDA contains information on biochemical and molecular properties of all those enzymes that have been assigned to an EC number by the IUBMB (International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology). The database covers information on enzyme nomenclature, occurrence, catalyzed reaction, substrates/products, inhibitors, cofactors, activators, structure, and stability. All data and information are manually extracted and evaluated from the primary literature by scientists.

BRENDA is accessible to the academic community at Commercial users need a license available at

A complete new structured and designed user interface and search engine facilitates and accelerates the search process. Beside a compact representation of the results in a print version a more clear table formated version with an additional navigation bar facilitates the online readability. One of the recent proceedings is the development of a new advanced search engine which allows to combine 26 search criteria out of 37 different search fields. Furthermore it is not only possible to search information of a specific organim but also within a branch of the taxonomic tree. A new integrated taxonomy browser and search engine facilitate the search of an organism or a branch of the taxonomy tree.

A major part in the BRENDA database are the chemical compounds, functioning as ligands in the interaction with enzymes. More than 35.000 different ligands with altogether 380.000 enzyme/ligand relationships are stored in the database. These enzyme-ligand interactions are described in the information fields, i.e. natural or in vitro substrates, inhibitors, activating compounds, cofactors, bound metals etc.. Presently connectivity information on 27.000 of these ligands are included in BRENDA. The chemical structure of these compounds can be displayed as images. An application which allows to search substrutures of ligands will be integrated.
[1] Schomburg, I., Chang, A., Schomburg, D. (2002) Nucleic Acids Research, Jan 1;30(1):47-9.
[2] Schomburg, I., Chang, A., Hofmann, O., Ebeling, C., Ehrentreich, F., Schomburg, D. (2002) Trends in Biochemical Science, Jan;27(1):54-6.
[3] Schomburg,D., Schomburg, I., eds(2001) Springer Handbook of Enzymes, 2nd edn, Springer, Heidelberg.