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Title: Nuclear receptor information management: application with a nuclear receptor mutation database
van Durme, Joost; Bettler, Emmanuel; Folkertsma, Simon; Vriend, Gert

Many biological questions involving nuclear receptor (NR) transactivation and ligand binding can be answered by collating experimental data related to nuclear receptors.
A system that can merge such data and present them to the user through a web interface is becoming a necessity to researchers in the NR field. For this reason, we have developed the Molecular Class-Specific Information System (MCSIS) for nuclear receptors.
One aspect of this MCSIS is the Nuclear Receptor Mutation Database. The aim of this project is to harvest as much nuclear receptor mutation information as possible and store it in the MCSIS database system.
Further developments of this technology, like mapping mutant data on multiple sequence alignment or NR models will make queries possible that combine mutant, structural, and ligand binding data, leading to new insights in NR function.