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Title: Molecular Class-Specific Information System
Bettler, Emmanuel; Folkertsma, Simon; Van Durme, Joost; Joosten, Henk-Jan; Fleuren, Wilco; Vriend, Gert

With the large amount of genomic and proteomic data available today, it is becoming important to focus on a single class of molecules and to combine large amounts of heterogeneous data. The Molecular Class-Specific Information System (MCSIS) is a relational database-centred system to aid researchers with the collection and dissemination of data.
It is easy to merge different types of dta with a relational database, e.g., mutations information can be put into a multiple alignment. Likewise, in-house databases can be interconnected with a MCSIS database.
Two databases are based on this technology: the GPCRDB (G protein-coupled receptors) and the NUCLEARDB (nuclear receptors).