A polyhedral approach to planar augmentation and related problems
Mutzel, Petra
June 1995, 14 pages.
Status: available - back from printing
Given a planar graph $G$, the planar (biconnectivity)
augmentation problem is to add the minimum number of edges to $G$
such that the resulting graph is still planar and biconnected.
Given a nonplanar and biconnected graph, the maximum planar biconnected
subgraph problem consists of removing the minimum number of edges so
that planarity is achieved and biconnectivity is maintained.
Both problems are important in Automatic Graph Drawing.
In [JM95], the minimum planarizing
$k$-augmentation problem has been introduced, that links the planarization
step and the augmentation step together. Here, we are given a graph which is
not necessarily planar and not necessarily $k$-connected, and we want to delete
some set of edges $D$ and to add some set of edges $A$ such that $|D|+|A|$
is minimized and the resulting graph is planar, $k$-connected and spanning.
For all three problems, we have given a polyhedral formulation
by defining three different linear objective functions over the same polytope,
namely the $2$-node connected planar spanning subgraph polytope $\2NCPLS(K_n)$.
We investigate the facial structure of this polytope for $k=2$,
which we will make use of in a branch and cut algorithm.
Here, we give the dimension of the planar, biconnected, spanning subgraph
polytope for $G=K_n$ and we show that all facets of the planar subgraph
polytope $\PLS(K_n)$ are also facets of the new polytope $\2NCPLS(K_n)$.
Furthermore, we show that the node-cut constraints arising in the
biconnectivity spanning subgraph polytope, are facet-defining inequalities
for $\2NCPLS(K_n)$.
We give first computational results for all three problems, the planar
$2$-augmentation problem, the minimum planarizing $2$-augmentation problem
and the maximum planar biconnected (spanning) subgraph problem.
This is the first time that instances of any of these three problems can
be solved to optimality.
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AUTHOR = {Mutzel, Petra},
TITLE = {A polyhedral approach to planar augmentation and related problems},
TYPE = {Research Report},
INSTITUTION = {Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik},
ADDRESS = {Im Stadtwald, D-66123 Saarbr{\"u}cken, Germany},
NUMBER = {MPI-I-95-1-014},
MONTH = {June},
YEAR = {1995},
ISSN = {0946-011X},