Quantifier elimination in p-adic fields
Dubhashi, Devdatt P.
November 1993, 21 pages.
Status: available - back from printing
We present a tutorial survey of quantifier-elimination and decision procedures
in p-adic fields. The p-adic fields are studied in the (so-called)
$P_n$--formalism of Angus Macintyre, for which motivation is provided
through a rich body of analogies with real-closed fields.
Quantifier-elimination and decision procedures are described
proceeding via a Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition of affine p-adic
space. Effective complexity analyses are also provided.
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AUTHOR = {Dubhashi, Devdatt P.},
TITLE = {Quantifier elimination in p-adic fields},
TYPE = {Research Report},
INSTITUTION = {Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik},
ADDRESS = {Im Stadtwald, D-66123 Saarbr{\"u}cken, Germany},
NUMBER = {MPI-I-93-155},
MONTH = {November},
YEAR = {1993},
ISSN = {0946-011X},