Edge separators for graphs of bounded genus with applications
Sýkora, Ondrej and Vrto, Imrich
November 1991, 10 pages.
Status: available - back from printing
$n$-vertex graph of positive genus $g$ and
maximal degree $k$ has an $O(\sqrt{gkn})$ edge separator. This bound
is best possible to within a constant factor. The separator can be
found in $O(g+n)$ time provided that we start with an imbedding
of the graph in its genus surface. This extends known results on
planar graphs and similar results about vertex separators.
We apply the edge
separator to the isoperimetric problem, to efficient embeddings of
graphs of genus $g$ into various classes of graphs including trees,
meshes and hypercubes and to showing lower bounds on crossing numbers
of $K_n,K_{m,n}$ and $Q_n$ drawn on surfaces of genus $g$.
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AUTHOR = {Sýkora, Ondrej and Vrto, Imrich},
TITLE = {Edge separators for graphs of bounded genus with applications},
TYPE = {Research Report},
INSTITUTION = {Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik},
ADDRESS = {Im Stadtwald, D-66123 Saarbr{\"u}cken, Germany},
NUMBER = {MPI-I-91-125},
MONTH = {November},
YEAR = {1991},
ISSN = {0946-011X},